Meet the Staff

 Dr. Edward E. Moody, Jr. – Executive Secretary

Dr. Moody oversees the operation of the National Offices Building and promotes the entire denominational family along with all agencies and programs. He serves as denominational liaison with government agencies, is editor-in-chief of ONE Magazine, arranges for the annual national convention and leadership conference, and champions stewardship through The Together Way Plan and other methods of proportionate giving.

Ryan Lewis – Executive Administrator

Ryan plans and manages the annual National Convention, represents the Executive Office at state meetings, assists in coordination of leadership training, produces the Better Together Podcast, and handles social media.



Anna Fox – Church Directory & Convention Registration Coordinator

As Yearbook coordinator, Anna maintains a database of all pastors and churches. She is also responsible for formatting the data and editing the Yearbook each year. As registration coordinator, she supervises pre-registration and on-site convention registration.


Melody Hood – Accounting Administrator

Melody receives and disburses all The Together Way Plan funds. She also serves as liaison with the National Offices health insurance provider, oversees the purchase of supplies and pays all bills.



Stephen Yerby – Facility Manager

Stephen oversees facility operations for the National Offices. He serves as shipping and receiving manager, postal liaison, and is on first-call for building security.



Elizabeth Hill – Receptionist

Elizabeth serves as receptionist for the national offices. She operates the building-wide phone system and screens visitors who ring the outside doors for entrance. She also manages the mailing list for ONE Magazine and assists with Building Services details.