BLESS Every Home

Bless Every Home is a new partner resource of NAFWB that equips churches with the tools to get to know your local community by name, so you can pray for, care for and share the Gospel with them. It is a great supplemental resource for those participating in Know Your Community as well as The Hope Initiative. Follow the instructions below to sign up your church or as an individual.

Use the weekly study: How to BLESS Your Neighbor

Watch the webinar below by Dr. Eddie Moody explaining BLESS Every Home:

Sign Up Your Church (Instructions for Pastors)
(You can watch the instructional video below and follow the 10 steps.)


  1. Visit
  2. Complete the form with First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password, and (Home) Address. Click “Continue.”
  3. Answer Yes to “Are you a ministry administrator?”
  4. Type your church into the “Find Your Organization” box, and select the one with your address.
  5. Click “Single Church” and select your Weekly Attendance.
  6. National Association of Free Will Baptists will show up as the “Recommended Affiliation.” Click Continue.
  7. Your Plan defaults to Bless Partner ($20/month). Deselect that option so that your total shows as $0.00/month at the bottom for this to remain a free resource.
  8. Click Continue under Payment options.
  9. On your Dashboard, click Promo from the left column of icons.
  10. A link and QR code will be provided on the page. Use this link to invite your congregants to join BLESS and be part of your church’s organization.

Sign Up for BLESS (Individuals)
(The best way to join BLESS is to use the link  or QR provided by your church. If your church is not part of BLESS, you can join as an individual using the steps below.

  1. Visit
  2. Complete the form with First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Password, and (Home) Address. Click “Continue.”
  3. Answer No to “Are you a ministry administrator?”
  4. Search for your church in the search bar, then choose the correct one from the dropdown menu.

Bless Every Home’s vision is to see every home in our extended mission field be adopted by one or more Lights for Christ who live pray-care-share lifestyles. We are glad to provide your church with a free subscription to the Bless Every Home movement in order to help you grow your church with members who are Lights for Christ in their neighborhoods.

When you sign up, your church will be registered in the movement, and be connected to the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Inc. As your members become Lights in their neighborhoods, you’ll be able to follow their pray-care-share progress in covering your mission field on your own real-time dashboard and map.

We are providing your ministry with a free subscription, and ask you to partner with us in this endeavor. To proceed please click the following link, or copy it to your browser’s address bar:

Order B.L.E.S.S (the book) here


Pastor Introduction to Bless Every Home

BLESS Introductory Seminar with Dr. Eddie Moody