Growing Together opportunities offer unique fellowship and learning through Zoom gatherings, covering various topics of the blessings and challenges of ministry, as well as new initiatives and training offered by the Executive Office. Register for these opportunities below.
Pastor’s Wife Hangout
April 14 – 6:00 PM CST
Register Here
Pastor Hangout
April 29 – 1:00 PM CDT
Register Here
Sessions hosted in partnership with WNAC:
Reaching International Students
Kellie Penn
April 8 – 6:00 PM CDT
Register Here
Discipleship and Deviled Eggs
Kristi Johnson
May 13 – 6:00 PM CDT
Register Here
Raising Boys
April Tummins
June 10 – 6:00 PM CDT
Register Here
Book Discussions
We all learn from reading a good book; however, we can harness even more of that knowledge when we read and discuss.
Pastor and Pastor’s Wife Support Groups
We can often learn much and be encouraged just by getting together and discussion issues we are facing in the ministry. We have encouragement groups for both pastors and pastors’ wives.
Dr. Tim York will lead a Pastor Hangout. This will be an opportunity for pastors discuss any concerns they have and resources that might be available to them.
Mrs. Carolyn Dwyer will lead a Pastor’s Wife Hangout. During this meeting she will encourage and provide resources to help support pastors’ wives.
Professional Counseling
From time to time, all of us could benefit from having someone we can talk to confidentially. The Executive Office, in partnership with Free Will Baptist North American Ministries, offers the Refresh Program for churches and pastors. A new resource of that program is confidential counseling through professional counselor Tom Jones. IM Inc., Free Will Baptist Foundation, and Board of Retirement are also partners/supporters of this program. If this is something you would like to know more about, call us at 877-767-7659 or email us at and we will explain how you can take advantage of these resources.