
august-september 2005
Families Under Construction
ONE Magazine welcomes comments, suggestions, and constructive criticsm. Email managing editor, Eric Thomsen editor@nafwb.org |
The August-September 2005 issue of ONE Magazine gives today's families the tools they need to build a strong foundation or to repair one that is crumbling. Inspect the blueprints for godly parenting shared by best-selling author, Robert J. Morgan. Travel to India and visit the RajKumar family who beat the odds and escaped the darkness of Hinduism. Visit Mr. Richie with 3-year old Warren and learn some valuable lessons about teaching children to serve others. Weep with Susan Henderson as she offers hope to families with nowhere to turn. Read the testimony of a teen who surrendered her life to God at the risk of leaving family and friends behind. And when you finish reading, grab your hard hat and get busy. Free Will Baptist families are under construction!