(Teen girl walks into her bedroom, face tilted toward the ceiling.) All right God, I know you want me to be a missionary; I can feel it. I hate to say this to you, but I just can’t go. I can’t drop everything here and go to some foreign country that I know very little about. That would be nuts! It’s just not my thing. Besides, I’ve got my entire life planned out. After I finish high school and go to college, I’m going to be a professional photographer. Like my Aunt Felicia says, I already carry my camera with me everywhere I go. I just can’t help it. There’s always a great picture waiting to be taken (stops and snaps a picture of a figurine on her dresser).
Now that I think about it, I’m probably not the only one who doesn’t like the idea. I mean, come on, what would my family and friends say? They believe in you, but they’d think that the life of a missionary is just a bit extreme for someone like me! Can’t I just be a pastor’s wife like my Grandma? Seems a lot easier to me!
You’ll just have to find someone else to go. I mean, I already talk about you at work and school and besides, who would run the power point at my church? Isn’t that enough for you? (Waits for an answer.) No? What do you mean no? Isn’t this my life? And doesn’t that mean I get to do what I want?
Okay, here is my proposal. What if I send donations to missionaries every month and pray for them more then I do now? Or what if I get to know them better…you know, “pen pals” or something? Maybe I could even go on a summer mission trip and help with an important project. My sister and aunt did that, and they had a great time doing it. (Pauses. Listens to God…)
Still no? What?! That’s not good enough? You still want me to become a missionary? Boy, once you make up your mind it sure is hard to make you change it!
Come on, I’ve already offered to sacrifice my summers for you! A lifetime on the mission field is the opposite of my plans for life here in America. Yeah, yeah, I know you came to earth which was totally different then heaven. Yes, I know that there are people in other countries who have never heard anything about you, but ... (long pause as God speaks)
Okay Lord, you’re right! I shouldn’t be so selfish. Other people deserve to know you…to have an opportunity to accept you as their Savior. And yes, I do remember Jonah, and no, I don’t want to be swallowed by a whale! I don’t even like fish sticks.
I’ll go! You’ve convinced me. I’m sure it will be exciting and full of adventure. And about my family and friends—I suppose we can always write and call…and email isn’t so bad either. Besides, I’m sure they won’t mind coming to visit me. I might even come home for Christmas.
I remember Grandpa telling my Mom and her sisters that he’d rather have them 3,000 miles away from him and doing what You want them to do than living right next door and not living in your will for their lives. My parents have said the same thing to me. No matter where you want me to go or what you want me to do, I’ll be the safest if I simply obey.
I’m ready to go. Just name the place and time, and I’ll be there—that is, right after finishing my education and fundraising!
(Pauses again and listens to God…) Which country did you say? Japan? I thought I already told you I don’t like fish. Oh well, even if I’m not a big sushi or seafood fan, if that’s where people need me, I’m ready to go. You know, Lord, I’m really glad I couldn’t get you to change your mind!

Crystal Hodges is 13 years old. She is a member of First
FWB Church in Clovis, California. In 2004, Crystal
started a pen pal ministry to missionaries around the world. She now corresponds with more than 35 missionaries on a regular basis.