
news around the world
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Seven E-TEAMs Minister in 2005
Antioch, TN Seven E-TEAMs traveled scattered across the globe on June 15 and 16, 2005.Six interns, 14 leaders, and 66 teens ministered in Brazil, Cuba, France, Hokkaido (Japan), Panama, Russia, and Uruguay before returning to the States June 27. A week of training preceded the cross-cultural trip.

Debriefing and a closing ceremony concluded the students' experience on June 30. Returning students commented:
“I realize how much the world needs God and how much God loves the world. How can I sit and do nothing while thousands die and go to hell every day?" Josh Provow, E-TEAM Russia
“As Americans, we are definitely spoiled.” All Cuba E-TEAM members
“I learned the importance of servanthood.” Katie McDonald, E-TEAM Panama
“I now know God is putting things in my life to build my perseverance for my future role in missions. There are a lot of people dying without Christ and I need to be more passionate about Christ and letting others know about Him.” David Gibson, E-TEAM Russia
Students interested in applying for E-TEAM 2006 should have their applications in by September 15, 2005. Request an application and learn more about the 2005 teams and their activities by visiting www.fwbgo.com/youth.htm.

Chitré, Panama Cirilio and Kathia, new Panamanian converts, asked missionary Stan Bunch to officiate the dedication of their baby boy to the Lord, side-stepping the traditional Catholic baptism. The dedication took place April 23. Stan noted this decision was a major step of faith for the young Christian couple.
ChitrÈ, Panama As a ministry of the Bible institute, a family/marriage conference was sponsored in ChitrÈ, Panama, May 5-6, 2005. †More than 75 people from the area attended. Rolando Delgado, pastor of First FWB Church in Panama City was the featured speaker. Several couples whose marriages are in crisis attended and accepted the challenge to continue working on their marriages.

Panama City, Panama The end of May was marked by protests and rioting in Panama City. Panamanian police battled thousands of demonstrators in four days of fierce protests against pension reforms.
Students, teachers, and construction workers joined in hurling bottles and rocks at police, who responded with tear gas and gunshots. Looted and damaged property, protestor-blocked streets, and injuries to both rioters and police resulted in warnings to avoid travel within and through Panama City.
Public schools in several provinces were closed following studentsí battles with police. Darrel and Lila Nichols were unable to attend language classes because police in full riot gear blocked the entrance to the school.
Villalba, Spain Missionaries Jeff and Susan Turnbough began team teaching an intensive leadership-training module to three people in May. The three are in the process of taking over the leadership responsibilities for the Villalba church. The course majors on leadership skills, in addition to the theological and biblical training Jeff has already given.
Churches in Spain took an historic step with the formation of a national association. The association is comprised of four churches (two in Alcala de Henares and one each in Villalba and Colmenar Viejo) and the Spain mission organization. Representatives retreated for a couple of days to fellowship, elect officers, and plan a unified approach to ministry.
Hokkaido, Japan Three short-term missionaries in Japan (Bethany Crowson, Hollie Hubbard, and Joni Thomas) joined six people who traveled from the States (Brandon Atwood, Rusty and Brenda Carney, Emilee Ketteman, and Jeremy and Beth Thomas) to form a nine-man team for 10 days of ministry in Hokkaido, Japan.
Approximately150 people attended the Sunday evening "Praise and Worship Concert." Many people present heard a gospel presentation for the first time.
Nathan Snow enthused, "I think we not only accomplished every goal we had set for this group, but also saw God move in some very neat and unexpected ways."
Krasnodar, Russia International Misisons General Director James Forlines attended a youth conference in Krasnodar, Russia, May 6-8, 2005. Between 800-1,000 students (ages 16-25) from churches throughout the Krasnodar kray attended. A local church hosted the event.
The Baptist Union youth ministries leader was the main speaker. Forlines challenged the youth with presentations on the Biblical basis for world evangelism, the status of world evangelism, and their potential for personal involvement.
The Russian version of Bloodstain on the Silk Road debuted at the conference. The story of a Russian-speaking man who planted a church in an unreached town in Central Asia challenged the young people to consider how God can use them to reach the world for Christ.
Forlines states, "The Krasnodar kray contains seven independent Muslim republics and one Buddhist republic. Cross-cultural missions opportunities are in their backyards. In order to reach them, Russians are going to have to learn how to reach out cross-culturally. In addition, some of the world's least reached peoples share borders with Russia. If Russian young people accepted the challenge they could have a large role in finishing the task of the Great Commission."
Several young people responded to the call to cross-cultural missions.
Campinas, Brazil Pastor Osmir Cruz, of the Second FWB Church in Campinas invited Kenneth Eagleton to speak at the church's third annual couples retreat held Saturday and Sunday, May 28 and 29.
"The retreat was a tremendous success and a blessing for all who attended," stated Eagleton. A total of 32 couples from the Second FWB Church and their mission church attended. Kitchen and child care workers gave a total of 70 adults and 10 children present. Three couples were unsaved and and this was their first contact with the church.
Kenneth conducted sessions mornings and evenings on both days and Rejane led the ladies in a break-out session on Saturday morning. There were recommitments to marriage and decisions to better meet one another's needs. Most of the couples were saved after having married and are learning to conform their marriages to biblical principles.

Gainesville, GA Matt and Cristina Price departed for France on May 31, 2005. Appointed as career missionaries by the Board of FWB International Missions in December 2002, the couple has worked diligently to share their heart for the French people.
The Prices were commissioned in the morning worship service at Liberty Bible FWB Church in Gainesville, Georgia, on Sunday, May 29. International Missions General Director James Forlines and Director of Field Operations Steve Lytle commissioned the couple in the presence of family, friends and church members.
A field orientation session with Steve Riggs will precede Matt and Cristina's language school studies in Albertville, France. Visit the Prices' website (www.heart4france.com) to keep current on prayer needs and information.