
news in fwb education
For more information about Free Will Baptist Bible College, please visit www.fwbbc.edu
NASHVILLE, TN—Free Will Baptist Bible College graduated 53
students in commencement exercises on campus, Friday, May 6.
Graduates came from 16 states and four foreign countries.
Students completed seven programs ranging from two-year
associate’s programs to four-year bachelor’s programs. Nearly 35
percent of the class graduated with honors, according to Dr.
Milton Fields, academic dean.

Reverend Keith Burden, executive secretary for the National
Association of Free Will Baptists, brought the commencement
address on the subject, “What Is Life Really All About?”
The college honored Dr. Robert Woodard who retired after 27
years on the Bible and theology faculty, and recognized Director of
Plant Operations Sandy Goodfellow for 25 years of service. Music
professor Dr. Linda Shipley was named Academic Advisor of the Year.
Ohio Executive Secretary Edwin Hayes preached the baccalaureate
sermon Thursday evening on the importance of commitment. The
service was followed by a reception for graduates hosted at the
campus home of President Pinson.
Thursday activities began with an 8:00 a.m. senior breakfast for
graduates and their guests. The college family then gathered for an
awards chapel featuring special recognition for academic excellence,
Christian service, leadership, society and athletic awards, and the
passing of the gavel from 2004–05 student body president Thomas
Cook to 2005–06 student body president Gerald Turner.
During a post-commencement meeting with the faculty and staff,
President J. Matthew Pinson announced that the Board of Trustees
authorized the administration to begin reconsidering options to
relocate the college.
The Board also approved a “Strategic Plan” concept developed
by the college’s Strategic Planning Task Force and will formally vote
on the plan later this summer after details for cost analysis and implementation
are complete. The long-range, 19-page document cites
10 strategic initiatives along with action plans to accomplish the
The college is pleased to commend to you and to the work of
the Lord the members of the 2005 graduating

SEARCY, AR Reverend Lawnie B. Coffman, retired pastor and the most highly decorated soldier from Arkansas in World War II, made a $10,000 gift to Free Will Baptist Bible College on January 5, according to FWBBC president Matt Pinson. Coffman and his wife, Alene, attended FWBBC and have faithfully supported the college for more than 50 years.
President Matt Pinson traveled to Reverend Coffman’s home area (Searcy) and spent several days with the 83-year-old minister at his cabin near Hector. While there, Pinson presented a plaque of appreciation to Coffman.
“Lawnie Coffman is one of America’s true heroes,” Pinson said. “He defended the nation’s freedom at great personal sacrifice as a young man. While lying in a pool of his own blood on a battlefield in Germany, he promised to serve God. Lawnie kept that promise. ”After returning home from the war, Coffman organized two Free Will Baptist churches and eventually pastored eight churches in 42 years before retiring. He wrote two books about his war experiences, The Promise and My Leg of the Race.
Coffman presented a 10-volume DVD collection, “World War II Remembered, An Oral History of Arkansas Veterans,” to President Pinson. Volume two features a 30-minute segment in which Coffman describes his war experiences. The DVD collection will be placed in the Free Will Baptist Historical Collection.
Brother Coffman received seven citations while serving as a sergeant with the 35th Infantry Division. The citations include a Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts. He fought in four major battles and was wounded three times.
Lawnie Coffman and five family members flew to France in September 2004 where that nation honored him for his actions in World War II that liberated a French town. The French ambassador escorted Coffman to the city he helped liberate where a plaque was unveiled commemorating his courage.
Photo Identification: Lawnie Coffman (L) receives plaque from FWBBC president Matt Pinson who holds DVD collection. Arkansas executive director Tim Campbell joined them at Coffman’s cabin.
NASHVILLE, TN Three juniors and two sophomores were elected in April to serve as 2005-2006 student body officers at Free Will Baptist Bible College.

Gerald Turner, junior youth ministry major from Tupelo, MS, was elected president and will preside at all student body meetings. Gerald is a member of Eggville FWB Church.
He will be assisted by early childhood development major Ashley Coker, a junior student from Clarksville, TN who was elected vice-president. Ashley is a member of Two Rivers FWB Church.
Bethany Parks, junior elementary education major from Pleasant View, TN, will serve as secretary-treasurer. She is a member of Goodsprings FWB Church.
Kentucky pastoral ministry major Scotty Curtis was elected chaplain and will provide spiritual leadership for the student body. Scotty is a member of Eastside FWB Church in Thelma.
Matt Price, sophomore music ministry major from North Carolina, will serve as worship leader. Matt is a member of First FWB Church in Gastonia.
FWBBC Offers Lifetime Learning Program
NASHVILLE, TN Free Will Baptist Bible College now offers a distinctive study opportunity for individuals who are not able to take courses on the Nashville campus. The Lifetime Learning Department was created to bring Bible-based educational instruction directly to the student’s home where he can learn at his own pace.
According to director, Rusty Campbell, “These video-based studies are filmed live during classroom sessions over the course of a semester. The student can listen to classroom lectures by respected FWBBC professors. It’s the closest thing to actually being in the classroom.”
Thirteen courses (37 credit hours) are currently available. Although a degree is not available through the program, an individual can accumulate significant college credit toward a degree.
Individual who do not wish to receive college credit may study on a non-credit basis as a means of broadening Bible knowledge. Any course taken for non-credit provides the student with the same information and materials at a significantly reduced rate.
For more information or to request a brochure, contact Rusty Campbell at (615) 844-5269, or e-mail him at rcampbell@fwbbc.edu.

NASHVILLE, TN Veteran missionaries Dennis and Trena Owen will serve as Free Will Baptist International Missions’ (FWBIM) missionaries-in-residence at Free Will Baptist Bible College for 2005-2006, according FWBBC missions program coordinator, Ron Callaway.
“Dennis and Trena Owen bring 25 years of experience as Free Will Baptist missionaries to the post,” Callaway said. “They served 10 years in Spain and the past 15 years in Montevideo, Uruguay. They have two children, Miranda Craddock (Fort Myers, FL), and Jonathan, now serving with U.S. forces in the Middle East.”
Dennis received a master of divinity degree from Grace Theological Seminary and is completing a doctor of missions degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Dennis and Trena will succeed Don and Ruth McDonald as missionaries-in-residence. The McDonalds returned to Japan this summer.
“Don did an excellent job in classroom preparation,” Ron Callaway said. “He brought practical skills, experienced observations and missiological knowledge to his students. We will miss their presence with us.”
The college’s missionary-in-residence generally serves a one-year term before returning to the field. During that year, the missionary lives on campus in the Laura Belle Barnard House, and teaches and promotes missions among the students.
The goal of the missionary-in-residence (MIR) program is to help students develop a vision for and accept the challenge of global evangelism. The MIR program is operated in cooperation with the Free Will Baptist International Missions Department.

MOORE, OK This summer, 18 Hillsdale students took part in summer missions programs.
Adam Blehm, Casey Jones, Kristi Smith, Jennifer Martin, and sponsor Amanda Thompson, traveled to Harsovo, Romania with Ruth Ministries International. Ruth Ministries is a non-denominational evangelical mission organization.
Lacey Trosper, Sheila Howard, Sacia Franklin, Erin McFarland, Leslie Owen Julie Stanford, and their sponsor, Autumn Drake, traveled to France, to work with Free Will Baptist Missionary Dennis Teague.
Kerrie Morgan went to Cuba as an intern with E-TEAM, a Free Will Baptist missions program that sends high school students to the mission field.
Mariah Sandiford, Tasha Foster and Dan Quirzo spent the summer in China with ELIC (English Language Institute/China).
Emily Hoover and her husband Kyle along with Lee Gibson had the opportunity to go to Vietnam with ELIC.
Please pray that each student will continue to follow God’s direction for his or her life.