The 69th National Association of Free Will Baptists hit a home run when they met in Louisville, KY, two blocks from the most famous baseball bat factory in the world. The week was not only a hit with the 5,976 attendees but with the city of Louisville as well. As one hotel worker phrased it, “These people are so nice, it just makes me enjoy doing things for them.”

Every National Association is built around the worship services, and this year was no exception. Attendees enjoyed outstanding music and preachers who spoke from their hearts on the theme, Pleasing God. This year, for the first time, services were bilingual, translated into Spanish via FM headphone transmitters.
In Sunday School, Jonathan Yandell, teen curriculum editor for Randall House, reminded listeners that the God who saved the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus can reach anyone.
During Sunday morning worship, Mike Wade, pastor from Norman, OK, spoke from Hebrews 11:5, challenging the congregation to follow the example of Enoch with lives marked by faith, our awareness (or perception) of what God is doing, and our pursuit of God.
On Sunday evening, after a rousing special by John Gibbs, North Carolina pastor Jeff Manning took an in-depth look at 1 Timothy 4:11-16 and the subject of pleasing God through preaching. He challenged pastors to be exemplary in their conduct, exhaustive in their preparation, and extraordinary in their subject.
Wonderful singing by the Men’s Chorale set the stage for a Monday evening service that featured California pastor Millard Sasser. His sermon text was Hebrews 13:15, 16. Sasser encouraged the audience to please God through their attitudes, service, giving, and investments.
On Tuesday evening, the service started with special music provided by the famed Speck Trio backed by the Convention Choir. James Kelly Caudill, veteran pastor from KY, spoke from 1 Corinthians 12:18 with energy and passion. He reminded the congregation, “Just because God said it doesn’t make it easy, but it does make it holy.” He also admonished pastors: “Until there is a reformation in our pulpits, there will never be one in our pews!” Many responded to the message, and the sermon proved to be a topic of conversation throughout the remainder of the convention.
On Wednesday evening, the flags of the nations waved as FWB missionaries from around the world gathered onstage. They received a standing ovation that lasted several minutes. After a brief commissioning service for mission appointees, Canadian pastor Fred Hanson took the pulpit and spoke from Galatians 1:15, 16, encouraging his listeners to catch a global vision of what God is doing and to find a place in that vision. The final service concluded with crowds at the altar.
Convention business in 2005 was marked by two historic decisions. The first—the decision to shorten the convention by a day—began this year. Delegates enjoyed the shorter format and adjusted easily to starting business Tuesday afternoon instead of Wednesday morning.
The second has the evangelical publication world watching the way that Free Will Baptists do business. In 2004, the convention voted to merge six national publications into a single magazine. Many feared it could not be done—six messages, visions, mailing lists, budgets, and editorial styles combined into one publication.
But through the leadership, hard work and cooperation of six national agencies, Free Will Baptists now have a unique platform in the Christian publishing world called ONE Magazine.
The 48-page, bimonthly, four-color magazine launched with the April-May 2005 issue. The publication is mailed free to every Free Will Baptist who wishes to receive it; it now reaches nearly 60,000 homes, more than twice the number reached by any of the previous publications. ONE Magazine is a publishing breakthrough that clears the way for future denominational publishing efforts.
In other action, delegates approved a record $23.5 million denominational budget for 2006, elected 43 members to boards and commissions, and instructed all denominational agencies to use the same format when presenting their proposed annual budgets. The new format includes a line-by-line comparison to the previous year’s income and expenses and the proposed income and expenses for the coming year.
For the first time in many years, the convention created a new agency by establishing a nine-member board for the Free Will Baptist Foundation. The agency previously operated in conjunction with the Board of Retirement and Insurance, but growth in The Foundation made the split necessary. William (Bill) Evans will head The FWB Foundation while Ray Lewis is the new director of the Board of Retirement and Insurance.
Ron Hunter, general director of Randall House announced that reprinted copies of Rejoice! The Free Will Baptist Hymn Book will be available in early Fall 2005.

The 2005 convention honored several milestones. Jack Williams, former FWB convention planner and editor of Contact Magazine, was honored for 27 years of faithful service. Executive Secretary Keith Burden presented a book of letters collected from friends and colleagues from all corners of the denomination.
Matthew J. Pinson, president of FWB Bible College, presented a plaque to Tom Malone, chancellor and former college president, for more than 30 years of service.
The National Youth Conference said goodbye to Director Dean Jones who will leave his post in August. Jones, who is recognized as one of the nation’s top meeting planners, will serve as convention manager for the 2006 National Association of Free Will Baptists while considering options in the hospitality industry.
As the 2005 convention came to a close, thoughts turned toward the future with the announcement of Impact Birmingham, an evangelistic plan designed to help convention attendees reach the city of Birmingham, AL, on July 15, 2006.

Executive Secretary Keith Burden asked delegates to consider arriving one day early in an effort to visit homes, witness, and perform acts of service throughout the city a day before the convention meets. The Executive Committee will schedule its usual Saturday meeting on Friday in order for members to participate in Impact Birmingham. For more information, call the Executive Office at (877) 767-7659 or visit
Sportswriters tell us the most difficult feat in sports is to hit a home run in the major leagues. It takes natural coordination, hours of practice, and careful coaching. While I don’t know much about baseball, I do know that congratulations are in order for the many people who worked hard to make this year’s convention a hit, from the Kentucky steering committee to the Convention office staff, preachers, musicians, and the scores of volunteers. We can safely claim that the 2005 National Association of Free Will Baptists was a Grand Slam in Louisville.