
Pursue. True to its theme, the 70th annual WNAC Convention challenged 990 registrants to find their place in the Great Commission. Seminars, presentations, worship, and fellowship promoted Great Commission opportunities in the home, the church, the community, and around the world.
Monday’s seminar drew nearly 400 women as noted author and speaker Debra White Smith explored the topic, “Romancing Your Husband.” Drawing from Scripture and personal experience, Mrs. Smith shared principles for becoming your husband’s lover. The session scored a home run with many who rushed to the exhibit hall to purchase her books.

The crowd returned for “Are We There Yet?” Sandy Atwood compared the Christian life to a road trip using illustrations from travels with her children.
Tuesday morning worship focused on home and family as Anthony and Lea Edgmon recounted the tragic loss of triplet girls and shared the blessings and responsibilities of parenting two children.
Kentucky Women Active for Christ ministered to Truth and Peace when they provided goody bags for each of the 81 students, fed them pizza after the Monday night service, and gave each participant money for a meal and dessert during the Convention.
Tuesday evening’s reception for state presidents and field workers gave leaders an opportunity to share blessings, challenges, and ideas. They voiced personal prayer needs as well as requests for their churches and states.
Christmas came in July as WAC groups helped fill a room with stocking stuffer items for the Salvation Army Angel Tree program. WAC and youth volunteers worked to reach their goal of stuffing 5,000 stockings to be distributed throughout Louisville at Christmas.

Tickets went fast for the annual WNAC Fellowship Luncheon. The sellout crowd of 420 who attended will not easily forget Fruit Hill, KY, or the heart-warming antics and stories of its citizen, Viney Mae. Dramatist Teri Peacock and her lovable character brought laughter and tears as she shared the love of Christ in her unique way.
Attendees caught a glimpse of Central Asia during a moving PowerPoint presentation of the recent Sister’s Prayer Fellowship in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In her annual report, Executive Secretary-Treasurer Marjorie Workman thanked women for $30,000 raised for the 50/50 project.
More than $20,000 helped fund conference and travel expenses for more than 500 Central Asian women who attended. WAC members who attended the conference presented a tea set from Kazakhstan to Debe Taylor, WNAC President. She had planned to attend the conference, but cancelled her trip at the last moment because of health reasons.
Missionaries to Spain, Anthony and Lea Edgmon, challenged listeners to “Pursue Until He Comes” by going where He leads. Focusing on theme verse, Hosea 6:3, “...and he shall come unto us as the rain,” the Edgmons compared the current drought in Spain with the spiritual drought that exists in the country where they will soon return to minister. At least 7,540 towns in Spain have no evangelical church.
Home Missions Director Larry Powell shared the ministry needs of missionary George Lemelin who is ministering to native Americans in Minnesota. WNAC President Debe Taylor urged the crowd to give the full amount of $1,500 during a special offering. Open Bibles overflowed as convention attendees gave over $2,400 to support the Lemelins’ ministry.
WNAC’s theme for the year, “Let Us Pursue” invited women nationwide to pursue prayer, godly characteristics and to share funds totaling $580,464.73 to fulfill the Great Commission.
Sarah Fletcher is the editor of CoLaborer Magazine, the official publication of Women Nationally Active for Christ. She lives in Antioch, TN.

Moments with the maker
by Allysa Harvey
Some weeks go by slowly, others too quickly. Some are filled with the mundane while others are packed with adventure. We spend our weeks in many ways, but we could spend them in no greater way than pursuing God. Pursuing God was the theme of WNAC 2005, and it was a week we will remember and cherish for years to come. The experience was remarkable. It was a week of exhaustion, refreshment, excitement, and amazement. It was a week of fun, fellowship, laughter, and tears. Mostly, it was a week filled with special moments.
There were moments of friendship. We all remember looking across the convention center into the eyes of friends we hadn’t seen in years. The immediate recognition was followed by smiles and hugs. We talked of old times and shared the great things God is doing in our lives. These were moments of joy.
There were moments of worship. These moments came during singing focused on the cross and preaching focused on the Lord. One of the most memorable moments of worship came during Tuesday morning’s meeting. We were blessed to watch a group of teens honoring God through music and sign language. Beautiful movements combined with songs of praise to overwhelm us. The Spirit was evident through smiles, tears, and goose bumps. This was a moment of amazement.
There were moments of teaching. Godly men and women reminded us what it truly means to pursue God. We were challenged to be diligent in studying the Word as we continue our journey through life. We learned the importance of having a godly marriage that involves romance. As we truly listened to God, these became moments of change.
There were moments of laughter. Viney Mae helped us experience the joy of the Lord as we fellowshipped around stories of Fruit Hill, KY. God used the gift of humor to remind us of his free and universal grace. This was a moment of rest.
There were, of course, moments of
business. We enjoyed a great sense of unity as we heard about all the things WAC has accomplished by working together. We were energized and refreshed to continue working tirelessly to advance the cause of Christ. We were challenged to gather more women to help with the harvest. These were moments of success.
Perhaps the favorite moment of the week involved a PowerPoint presentation of a women’s conference in Central Asia. Our eyes filled with tears as we heard about the persecution faced by so many of our sisters. Our hearts were overwhelmed as we heard stories of the Spirit moving in the lives of these women. We rejoiced at the freedom they have found in Christ and their commitment to serve Him at any cost. This was a moment of awe.
There were many moments throughout the week marked in many different ways. One thing, however, is true of all these moments. They were moments spent with our Maker. They were orchestrated by Him and drew us closer to His side. They were moments spent at the feet of Jesus, and we are better for having enjoyed them.
Allysa Harvey and her husband Dale are the directors of children's ministry at Bethlehem FWB Church in Ashland City, TN.