September 2013
Do You Have
Sticky Faith?

Women Nationally Active for Christ | Tampa, Florida, July 21-24
From badges to programs to nominations, conventions are all about names. Centering on the theme, “He Knows My Name,” the 2013 WNAC Convention encompassed a wide variety of names.
Casual Names
Laughter and Latte, an informal, Monday night meet-and-greet brought 100 women together for food and fellowship. The convention commenced Tuesday morning with a casual video greeting. WNAC President Diana Bryant and Florida Women Active for Christ welcomed attendees to their state, highlighting its beaches, attractions, and two unofficially recognized state symbols (sunglasses and flip-flops).
New Names
Tuesday’s business session included new names and information. In her annual report, Executive Director Elizabeth Hodges introduced attendees to their counterparts in Mexico, sharing names and a photo of these national women’s ministry leaders. Her presentation also provided a visual testimony of faithful giving by Women Active for Christ.
 Photo: A WNAC delegate addresses the body during the business session.
In the past year, WNAC helped fund the completion of a women’s bathroom/shower facility at IBLAC in Mexico; provided new appliances and updates for the guest house in Abidjan, Cote d’ Ivoire; sent money to purchase a keyboard for the Seminary of the Cross, also in Mexico; and paid registration costs for 300 women attending a couples retreat in Cuba.
Mrs. Hodges noted the names of recent Wisehart Scholarship Recipients and announced the name of this year’s Cleo Pursell Scholarship recipient: Myriam Le Louarn of France. Delegates elected a slate of officers that includes one new name; Ohio WAC President Sarah Sargent will now serve on the WNAC Executive Committee. Women received a Save-the-Date flyer naming the location and date for the next WNAC National Retreat: September 3-5, 2015, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Dollar Names
In 2013, women collectively gave $497,225 to mission-related causes, including $37,204 in goods and cash for the Provision Closet. However, the WNAC office reported an $8,000 deficit for the 2013 fiscal year. Delegates approved an operating budget of $212,000 for 2014, with salaries frozen for the fourth consecutive year.
Family Names
During her report, Elizabeth Hodges shared her heart concerning a possible opportunity for the organization, noting God’s step-by-step guidance in this matter. She asked women to consider a recommendation from the Executive Committee that she study the possibility of WNAC joining the cooperative giving program of the National Association of Free Will Baptists. Delegates unanimously voted in favor of this recommendation.

Executive Secretary Keith Burden and National Association Moderator Tim York joined her in a follow-up session (pictured above) to provide women more information. The two men fielded questions, expressed their excitement regarding the possibility of greater WNAC participation within the Free Will Baptist family, and reassured women that they would have adequate representation as delegates of the voting body of the National Association. Details and recommendations will be published before the 2014 convention.
International Names
During the morning worship session, representatives from three mission fields—Pastor Bruno Ling of St. Nazaire, France; Cuban pastor’s wife Ciraida Sanchez; and Marilyn Velasquez from the Chame, Panama, seminary—offered greetings and gratitude for the ministry of WNAC.
Missionary Lydie Teague of France spoke of her native country and its great spiritual needs. Her home region claims only 0.2% evangelical Christians, and over 80% of its residents have never owned a Bible. Charting her pathway to faith in Christ, Lydie shared her life mission to make disciples for Christ and her vision for 5,000 new believers in France.
At the request of ministry leaders in Central Asia, in March 2014, WNAC is sending a team of its Executive Committee and staff to teach and train women’s ministry leaders at two conferences in this region of the world. WNAC challenges each local WAC group to pay one Central Asian leader’s way to the conference ($100).
Unique Names
Morning and afternoon seminars offered women several name choices. My Name Is Solo lent perspective on living as a single. My Name Is More provided ideas for missionary support beyond dollars and cents, while My Name Is Image invited women’s suggestions for creative, balanced missions fundraising. My Name Is Reflection, a final wrap-up session, gave national and state leaders an opportunity to evaluate the day’s events and make suggestions for improving next year’s convention.

Endearing Names
Mrs. Lorene Miley (pictured above) spoke to several hundred luncheon attendees concerning the importance of remembering the works of God’s hand. Sharing snippets of her writings, recalling personal experiences and noting special memories, Mrs. Miley encouraged listeners to remember through journaling, personalizing the names of God, making a book of remembrance, and setting up memorial stones. In her characteristic soft-spoken manner, this pioneer missionary and former WNAC editor endeared her listeners and encouraged women toward greater love for the Word.
Above All Names
“He Knows My Name” resounded throughout the day in the music, the missionary message, and the media presentations. Though many names filled the program, one name remained the focus—Jesus, Name Above All Names.
WNAC Convention at a Glance
Women voted:
To study the possibility of joining the cooperative giving program of the National Association of Free Will Baptists with details and recommendations to be published before the 2014 convention.
To retain the wording of Articles 2 and 7 of the WNAC Bylaws.
To award the Cleo Pursell Foreign Student Scholarship to Myriam Le Louarn of France.
To reaffirm our stand against same-sex marriage and to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Women resolved:
To pray that WNAC continues in faithful service and commitment to our mission endeavors in fulfilling the Great Commission.
To diligently pray for our country, our leaders, and those serving in our military.