September 2013
Do You Have
Sticky Faith?

National Youth Conference | Tampa, Florida, July 21-24
A number of changes were obvious this year during the national convention, even for the National Youth Conference. The most notable changes in personnel included saying farewell to Jeff and Sherri Sloan as directors of the Youth Evangelistic Team and introducing Brandon Roysden as director of NYC, a position filled by Danny Conn since 2006. But these were not the only changes.

Photo: The YET (Youth Evangelistic Team) leads worship at the teen service.
New quizmasters, emcees, and judges led the competition. A new band led worship on stage, and a new crop of teen staff members worked hard behind the scenes. New coaches guided new contestants. New faces throughout the conference—a constant development of new workers and leaders—as it should be. New life is essential for the good health and longevity of any body.
 Photo: Anxious competitors await their turn.
We must continually train, challenge, guide, encourage, and equip the next generation to stand firm in their faith and carry out the work of God, whether in a national event or a local church. That is the purpose for any discipleship process or program, including the National Youth Conference.
This changing of the guard naturally introduces new faces, new ideas, and new ways of doing things, but the mission remains the same—love God, love His Word, and teach the next generation to do the same.
NYC 2013 at a Glance
Registration 3,581
Competitive Entries 975
Reach That Guy
318 volunteers
1,162 hours worked
Seffner Christian Academy
Cleaned classrooms
Worked on sports fields
New Hope FWB Church
Distributed 600 fliers in two neighborhoods
Bethesda Ministries
Stocked food pantry
Organized closets
Habitat for Humanity
Metropolitan Ministries
Red Cross Blood Drive
Buck-A-Week Offering $3,469.18 for 2013 Ministries:
Penn’s student ministry at University of Illinois
Jcrois (France)
Truth & Peace
Participants - 105
30 years of training youth leaders
18 states and one foreign country represented
Service projects at Welch College, Pleasant View Christian School, and Randall House
Served as NYC youth staff
Participants 13
Miles traveled 3,400
Ministries Served
Home Missions Churches:
Mobile, AL
Tallahassee, FL
Clarksville, TN
Church Camp in Sumterville, FL
Family Ministries (TN)
150 altar responses
4 salvations
1 call to ministry
Around NYC
One parent said: “My son has come back to the room every night wanting to teach us about the Armor of God. Thank you for more than babysitting. The Bible has come to life for my three-year-old this week.”

456 Worship
More than 30 decisions/responses.
Raised over $230 for World Vision to allow three orphans in Africa to get an education and learn about Christ.
NYC Services
Responses every night.
Six students shared “Stand Up Stories” about a time when they were able to do something difficult because of their faith in God.