November 2011
Shift: A Change of Direction

Members of new Free Will Baptist churches share what God is doing in their lives.
We're Glad You Came
Springs FWB Church, Marana, Arizona
Thanks to The Springs FWB Church and pastors Jeff and
Josh, I have come to Christ. By preaching and teaching the Word of
God, they explained the sacrifice Jesus made for my salvation and the worth
I have as His child. The pastors are very accessible and always willing to help
in any matter that arises—not only on an individual basis but also when it
comes to the community. These pastors are loving people, welcoming all to
their church and reaching out specifically to the people who are broken and
in need of love.
Through these incredible people, I have been able to positively change as
a person. I have seen Christ work in my life, and I have been able to notice
the Fruit of the Spirit working within me. The Springs FWB Church and its
pastors have been a true blessing to me and to our community.
Church Comunidad Hispana de Fe, Esperanza y Amor
We are Ildemaro and Glenda Atencio.
We are part of the Church Comunidad
Hispana de Fe, Esperanza y Amor since two
years ago under the authority of Pastor Alfredo.
He and his family are remarkable people God
has used to spread the gospel in this community.
Our own lives were a mess before we were
introduced to the Lord. Our home was in chaos
to the point of separation. We began to study
the Word of God and receive marriage counseling
from our pastor, his wife, and children, who
were still teenagers but preached the Word of
God in an incredible way.
Today, we can say with all assurance that God
restored our home. Thanks to Him, we overcame
the obstacles and He changed our way of
thinking and our perspective on life. Now, my
husband serves God by driving the church van
and helping with the sound controls. He is now
a respectful and godly man. We have two wonderful
sons and a beautiful family. This is the
way we want to stay until the last days of our
lives, as a close family walking God’s ways and
holding His hand.
—Ildemaro and Glenda