A Review of the 2007 Conference of Women
Nationally Active for Christ
DELEGATES TO THE 72ND ANNUAL convention of Women Nationally Active for Christ unanimously chose Rebecca Pugh of Tennessee as their next president. She replaces Debe Taylor of Arkansas, who completed a 10-year term on the WNAC Executive Committee. “My desire is to get women into the Word,” says Rebecca, pastor’s wife and mother of six, whose talents and interests include music, teaching, organization, and encouragement.
2007-2009 Executive Committee Members:
President - Rebecca Pugh (TN)
Vice-President - Shirley Jackson (MO)
Secretary - Phyllis York (TN)
Members-at-Large - Jan Clay (IN), Diana Bryant (FL), Linda Harvey (AZ)

The new slate of officers faces a monumental task. Current Executive Secretary-Treasurer Marjorie Workman announced her retirement, effective July 2008. Throughout the coming months, the Executive Committee will accept resumes and recommendations for the position. The committee will select an individual for recommendation to the body at the 2008 convention in Charleston, West Virginia.
Delegates also voted to award $500 scholarships to four students enrolling in the new seminary in Panama and another $500 student scholarship to the Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute in South Carolina.
Photo (right): Sarah Fletcher (TN), and Mary Neal (IN).
Business matters comprised only a small part of the two-day meeting. Attendees honored pastor’s wives with gifts, uplifting music from the group 4-GIVEN, and encouraging words from speaker Janice McAlister during a two-hour Monday afternoon seminar.
Tuesday’s sessions highlighted WNAC’s worldwide kingdom efforts. An early morning concert by Zavet, a men’s trio from Almaty, Kazakhstan, offered listeners a glimpse of the heart and devotion of Christians in Central Asia. Luba Kudratova praised God for WNAC’s participation in Christmas Joy, an evangelistic outreach to Central Asian children and their families. During the past year, women raised over $41,000, providing Bibles, toys, and candies for homeless, handicapped, and underprivileged children in the region. A team of WAC leaders traveled to Kazakhstan in January to assist in gift distribution and evangelism. Team member, Bobby Bowen (WV), captured the attention and hearts of women with pictures of actual Christmas Joy recipients. She challenged women to continue sharing the true joy of Christmas with others.
Photo (below): Kazakh musical group ZAVET (Promise) performs for the WNAC convention.

Pastor Paul Ameize extended greetings from Women Active for Christ in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa, and personally thanked women for their prayers and efforts in his country. WNAC funded seminary costs for this leader who now heads the Ivorian Bible Institute.
Members of the WNAC staff announced the winners of its annual Creative Arts Contest. Attendees previewed upcoming Together With God magazine Bible studies and donned purple glow bracelets, officially launching Travel Light, WNAC’s new program year.
The convention turned its evangelistic focus to the U.S. during the worship hour as the Huntsville FWB Youth Choir (AR) sang a patriotic tribute. Tom and Pam Jones, missionaries to Greensburg, Pennsylvania, shared personal testimonies and a challenge from Matthew 26 to go farther through “nevertheless moments” of surrender to the will of God.
Fellowship Luncheon ticket holders crowded elevators and lined stairwells for the sold-out event. Speaker Luba Kudratova detailed her personal path to salvation and expressed her dream to see Kazakhstan’s 59 million inhabitants come to Christ. Arkansas Women Active for Christ prepared large giveaway basket centerpieces filled with assorted Arkansas products.

Photo (above): Members of the Huntsville Youth Choir prepare to sing.
WAC state presidents and field workers enjoyed a bonus concert by ZAVET during a late Tuesday reception. The informal gave leaders an opportunity to fellowship and exchange ideas. The constant theme of conversation was the convention itself.
“One of the best.”
“Absolutely wonderful.”
Such a blessing!
Theme Travel Light, Hebrews 12:1
Registration 1,016
Monday: Janice McAlister, AR
Tuesday: Luba Kudratova, Almaty Kazakhstan
Musicians: 4-Given, AR
ZAVET (promise), Almaty Kazakhstan