By Ron Hunter Jr., Derek Altom, and David Williford
When a major operating shift occurs, people ask, “Why?” or “Why now?” Sometimes, the answer is obvious. During World War II, Americans faced rationing so vital elements could be used in the war effort. Our people understood and rallied around the effort. The events of September 11, 2001, showed the need for greater airline security and resulted in the formation of TSA and security checks for passengers boarding commercial aircraft. The need for these changes was obvious and immediate. Other times, however, an explanation is needed.
For the first time in our history, D6 Family Ministry has begun a fundraising effort. Since its founding, the organization has operated from income generated through sales of curriculum, books, and other services. That leads to questions: “Why now? What changes have led the leadership to make a significant paradigm shift?”
D6 Family Ministry began as two departments in 1935: the National League Board and the National Sunday School Board, directed by the National Association of Free Will Baptists. In 1957, the National Association approved the launch of a Free Will Baptist Sunday School literature program, but the effort was short-lived and closed in 1959. The Sunday School literature program was revived in 1962. The Free Will Baptist League became the Church Training Service (CTS) in 1964, and expanded the existing Sword Drill and Declamation, adding Bible Bowl and Bible Tic Tac Toe. Music and arts competition was added in 1972.
In 1978, the Sunday School Board merged with the CTS Department to provide literature and resources for both the morning Sunday School and evening training session at churches. Through the years, the department provided biblically-sound Sunday School material and practical training.
Randall House Youth Ministries was developed in 1983, launching Student and Children’s Ministries. Youth training events like Truth and Peace and YET developed during this time. In 2012, these ministries transitioned into what is now called Vertical Three.
To partially offset the cost of these programs, Randall House charged admission fees to participants in the various activities. It should be noted the National Youth Conference and the competitive activities were never self-sustaining. The conference and all its ministries were, from the beginning, subsidized by Randall House through the sale of curriculum and books.
Vertical Three and its predecessors have been spectacularly successful. Thousands of young people have received ministry and leadership training, and many remain in leadership positions across our denomination. Tens of thousands have competed on the national level, and many more have studied and developed Bible knowledge and arts training on the local church, district, and state levels.
In his report to the National Convention in 2024, Executive Director Eddie Moody noted that 99.25% of young people who participated in denominational programs like YET, Truth and Peace, and Vertical Three activities are regular church attenders. It is apparent a major key to long-term denominational viability and strength requires we continue to focus on youth development through training in Vertical Three.
D6 has invested heavily in generational discipleship tools, including the development of D6 Curriculum and two D6 Conferences in the United States. We are also working internationally to carry the message of intergenerational discipleship to churches in countries like France, Singapore, and Malaysia.
D6 provides resources free of charge to military chaplains, new church plants, and missionaries, all to provide materials that can strengthen discipleship training in the home, in churches, on military bases, and across cultures.
Because of our sales of literature and books, D6 has sometimes been viewed as a business. However, it is obvious we are a ministry, regularly investing in areas where our cost exceeds our income. If we were a business, we would simply cut areas that do not generate sufficient income to support themselves. But we are not a business. We are a ministry, and we exist to serve the people of our denomination.
As stated earlier, throughout our history as an organization, D6 subsidized these areas of ministry through curriculum and book sales. We have reached a point (like many other publishers) where sales alone cannot support all we do. Most major publishers today are either downsizing, closing their doors, or finding new ways to fund their ministries.
Some of the largest Christian publishers in America are facing significant challenges. Lifeway Publishing, the denominational publisher for Southern Baptists, experienced significant downsizing. Publishing houses for General Baptists and the Nazarene Publishing House have greatly reduced their size, and some no longer publish material unique to their denomination.
D6 is not exempt from the challenges facing the publishing world. According to Dr. Eddie Moody, Free Will Baptists lost 87 churches in 2023. The resulting loss of curriculum sales due to church closures is $1.2 million since 2019.
We are faced with a decision: find new ways to generate income or cut programs. Four years ago, we decided to add a fundraising component to our ministry. By adding this, we can continue to fund the programs of youth discipleship and training and subsidize the free literature we provide our chaplains, mission churches, and other ministries that, though vital, are not self-sustaining.
The coming months will reveal a rollout of different programs designed to communicate where we are and give you the opportunity to invest in lives and ministries that touch the world.
Prayerfully consider a partnership with D6 Family Ministry. It is no stretch of the imagination to say the future existence of us as a movement is tied to D6. Together we can impact churches, members of our military, new church plants, and the next generation of leaders. I hope you’ll join us.
About the Writers: Ron Hunter, Derek Altom, and David Williford are the D6 Family Ministry development team. To make a one-time or recurring gift, visit For more information about how you can partner with D6 Family Ministry, email us at