Director Larry Powell takes a deeper look at the vision of Free Will Baptist Home Missions.
Who We Are: Free Will Baptist Home Missions
by Larry A. Powell
Through the efforts of church planters and the tremendous support of Free Will Baptists, God is building a network of churches to reach North America with the gospel of Christ. Free Will Baptists are committed to the truth that Jesus is the way—the only way—to the Father. “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14: 6b).
The Current Trend of Non-denominationalism
The 21st century has been dubbed the age of non-denominationalism, yet Free Will Baptist home missionaries continue to experience rapid growth in cities across North America. We believe the most rapid growth in our denomination is through new church plants in 26 states, Canada, and Mexico.
Our missionary family is now 215 strong. This number does not include the Free Will Baptist chaplains who minister to brave men and women in uniform, stationed around the world.
Who Are We?
When church planters move into a city, they immediately identify themselves. They let the people of the city know that those who come to Christ for salvation must come by repentance and faith for forgiveness of sins. Our church planters are loyal to the doctrine of the faith and practices of the National Association of Free Will Baptists.
Working Together to Achieve the Goal
We believe we can do more for the kingdom of God by doing it together with congregations of like convictions and commission focus. Existing churches are forming strategic partnerships with church planters.
This scenario has created many opportunities for churches to get involved, experiencing firsthand the excitement surrounding the birth of a new church. Many states have formed joint projects with Free Will Baptist Home Missions to plant churches in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria—North American missions.
Thank you for your gifts. We pledge to spend them wisely. Our focus remains on winning families to Christ.
About the Writer: Larry Powell is director of Free Will Baptist Home Missions. Read more at www.homemissions.net.