November 2016
Moving Forward

Tracing the steps of church planters across the nation…
Where Are They Now?
By Darrell and Sandy Smith
Darrell and Sandy Smith first met with the Home Mission Board in 1990 and began a journey that has proven to be the greatest adventure of their lives. We invited Darrell to tell their story in his own words:
We moved from Tulsa, Oklahoma, to Oregon City, Oregon, to plant a Free Will Baptist church. We held the first services in our rented home. Three months later, we moved to a children’s day care center, where we held services for three months. Then we moved to an office building conference room, where we held services for two and a half years. Finally, we moved into our own building in 1993 and saw wonderful things begin to happen.
Over the last 25 years we have seen scores saved and dozens of lives changed. We are grateful for the Free Will Baptist churches and people across America who made it financially possible to establish Oregon Trail FWB Church.

Thanks to your support, Free Will Baptists now have a thriving, soul-winning church with great plans for the future. We look at our memorial board and see the names of many individuals who met Christ through the ministry of our church before moving on to Heaven.
This has been a wonderful journey, sometimes hard, yet with numerous blessings. Free Will Baptists across America, working through North American Ministries, did a good thing by helping start the Oregon Trail FWB Church. After supporting this work financially for almost ten years, the church reached self-supporting status, and today, we are debt free.
About the Writer: Rev. Darrell Smith and his wife Sandy started Oregon Trail FWB Church
in Oregon City, Oregon, in 1991 and continue to minister there. Learn more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions: www.FWBNAM.com