Are you willing to step out in faith to help International Missions?
Why IM Walking
The Go10 Walk for the World is underway! Hundreds of young people have committed to take time out of their busy days and weekends to walk 10 miles. Their reasons vary as greatly as the students themselves. Some, like 18-year-old Eric Pirtle (Fredericktown, MO), plan to be missionaries themselves. “I am doing this because I feel called by God to be a career missionary,” Eric states. “I want to help missionaries already on the field, much like I hope people will help me when I go.”
Some students, like Kyle Berry (18, Smyrna, DE), were encouraged to participate by church leaders. “I was approached by my pastor, who challenged me to think about my responsibility concerning world missions. This is a way I can do something I enjoy and also help with a much greater cause as we strive together to reach the world with the gospel.”
Other students appreciate the “hugeness” of the Walk and want to be a part of it. “This is an exciting way to spread the gospel,” shares Destini Bailey of Gateway FWB Church (Virginia Beach, VA). “It’s so cool to be a part of a 2,500-mile journey with others who share the same passion.”
“I feel my purpose on this earth is to spread the good news,” says Carlos Castro (25, Collinsville, IL). Then, he intensified the challenge for himself, “God has blessed me with good health and the ability to run. Yes! I am going to run the 10 miles, not walk them. What better way to put my God-given talents to work?”
Thirteen-year-old Brandon Justice (Greenville, NC) focused on the heart of the Great Commission when he wrote: “I would like to help the many people in different countries come to know God as good as I do.”
BriAnne Miller (17, Midway, TN) wants to make a difference, both at home and abroad.
She thoughtfully wrote, “Wikipedia defines missions as ‘that which is designed to form a viable indigenous church-planting and world changing movement.’ As a member of a church planted firmly in community outreach, and as a member of a family who is already active in a form of missions (foster care), I volunteered to take on the Go10 challenge.”
She continued with a challenge to each of us, “I believe the more people who are aware of the world’s state presently and of how many Christians are sacrificing their stable home-life to reach out into communities and countries around the world, the more we can help. Do you believe?”
Do you? It’s not too late to participate.
Pastors, consider the example of Kyle’s pastor and challenge your students to get involved.
Visit the website (www.go10walk.com) and choose to support a walker. Or sign up to walk yourself. Will you Go10?