Regional Coordinators Are Chosen and Trained
by Deborah St. Lawrence
The purpose of the Go10 Walk for the World is to challenge young people to consider their role in reaching the nations with the gospel in their generation. A lofty goal, to be sure. No one person can do everything needed to reach a whole denomination of young people. Joe Wilson, the project coordinator, enlisted the logistical aid of two retirees from the business world—Bill Ezell and Jim Daniels.
“As I’ve talked and brainstormed with youth leaders, pastors, and others to determine how to take a 2,500-mile, three and a half-month walk and make it a meaningful experience for thousands of students, sponsors, and churches, I’ve been encouraged and challenged,” Joe said.
In November 2009, 12 regional coordinators arrived in Nashville for two days of training, coordinating, and planning for the Go10 Walk. Regional coordinators will plan and oversee several walk days each.
“We spent hours discussing how to engage and involve people in the project. We discussed the goal of young people plugging into the Great Commission and the value of a collective experience,” Joe reported. “We reviewed the Go10 website (www.go10walk.com), discussed material for the 40-Day Pre-Walk Journey, and strategized over selecting the day coordinators who will be crucial for the walk.”
For the two volunteer retirees from the business world, training was a different experience as the meetings started and finished with prayer. “That’s not something you ever see in the business world,” Bill acknowledged. “But, then again, this project isn’t something in which the corporate world would engage.”
Regional coordinator Bob Brown recently indicated he is, “in training, and planning to walk with the young people the entire time the walk goes through my region.”
Join Bob and the rest of the Go10 Walk team. Walk with us. Visit www.go10walk.com to sign up to walk, volunteer, or donate; and be ready to change lives.
About the Writer: Deborah St. Lawrence is director of communication for Free Will Baptist International Missions. Learn more at www.fwbgo.com.