clear teacher of the year 2008
Do you have the best Sunday School teacher in the...?
To learn more about CLEAR Teacher of the Year, or to find the best in Christian books and resources, visit www.randallhouse.com.
CLEAR Teacher of the Year 2008
Does your teacher capture the attention of students and relate to them on their level? Is your teacher confident in his or her knowledge of God’s Word? Does your teacher inspire students to study the Bible and apply its truths to their lives? Does your teacher seek to grow spiritually and desire for his or her students to grow as well?
If so, urge your Pastor, Minister, or Sunday School Superintendent to nominate your teacher for the CLEAR Teacher of the Year Award. Nominees for CLEAR Teacher of the Year must currently be teaching from the CLEAR Sunday School Curriculum. All age groups are eligible, but only one winner will be chosen.
The CLEAR Teacher of the Year will receive 3 days, 2 nights stay at the National Convention in Charleston, West Virginia. The prize includes transportation ($.125 per mile), food ($120 for three days), and lodging.
Additional prizes include:
$200 decorating allowance for the winner’s classroom
$100 gift card to Randall Bookstore for books and supplies.
A press release to the winner’s hometown newspaper and state FWB newsletter, with a picture and write-up in ONE Magazine as the award winner.

To make your nomination for CLEAR Teacher of the Year, visit www.CLEARcurriculum.com/teacher or contact Randall House Publications:
114 Bush Road
Nashville, TN 37217,
(800) 877-7030.
The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2008.
What makes a great teacher?
What criteria should you look for in a good teacher?
A teacher who is able to capture the attention of students and relate to them on their level
A teacher who is confident in his/her knowledge of Scripture
A teacher who inspires students to dig deeper into the Word of God
A teacher who helps students apply truths of Scripture to their lives
A teacher who is growing spiritually in his or her own spiritual life and is involved in the spiritual growth of students’ lives