
Men UNDER Fire
by Terry Austin, Chaplain, U.S. Army
Watching the news this morning, I visited several countries and witnessed the pain of thousands of people. Wars, a car bombing, extreme hot temperatures, and hatred dominated the headlines. It was overwhelming to be bombarded with so much bad news early in my day. It really made me uneasy and rather troubled.
In our day-to-day lives, the news does not have to be bad in order for us to experience difficulty. Death, a broken relationship, a bad day at work, the weather, or some other personal difficulty can occur on the brightest of days.
Our world, its nations, and the people who live in them all have difficult times; no one is exempt. This life is not perfect; it is no utopia. The difference is how people get through their difficult times.
One way to get through these times is by trusting God. Many troubled people turn away from God and turn to friends, material things, and even drugs or alcohol. God, however, is one who promises never to leave us or forsake us. Regardless of how bad things may appear or how unfriendly our world may seem, our Lord is a constant, loving friend.
There are days as an Army chaplain when things do not seem to go well. There are days when our world seems to be at an end as we wage the war against terrorism and watch the death toll climb. Yet, we must remind ourselves that God is in control, and He is not a bit surprised by personal tragedies or world events. He wants to help us through our difficult and troubling times if we will only turn to Him and accept His help. I find comfort in His Word and enjoy thinking of good times to come because of the good He promises all of us. After all, He is the Prince of Peace for all nations.
The Army is extremely busy these days as deployments, training exercises, and normal day-to-day activities demand a lot from its soldiers. It is such a privilege to serve on and off the battlefield as a soldier for Christ and as an American soldier representing Free Will Baptists. Your support for your military chaplains is unmatched. You not only support us with your prayers and kindness, you continually support our calling and the cause of freedom.
We are men under fire, yet everyone knows troubling times and everyone knows they do not last forever. Our country and its struggle for freedom should not trouble you. Our God is in complete control.
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Terry W. Austin is a Chaplain (Major) in the United States Army. Currently he is stationed just outside of Washington D.C.
Free Will Baptist Chaplains

CH (CPT) Richard G. Anderson, U.S. Air Force, Hurlburt Field, Florida fwbchaplain@earthlink.net

CH (Major) Terry Austin, U.S. Army, Fort Meade, Maryland terry.w.austin@us.army.mil

CH (CPT) John Carey, U.S. Army, Bamberg, Germany john.c.carey@us.army.mil

CH (CDR) Robert Cooper, U.S. Navy, Camp LeJeune, North Carolina robert.p.cooper@usmc.mil

CH (CPT) Tracy Kerr, U.S. Army, Fort Benning, Georgia tkerr@sw.rr.com

CH (CPT) Steven Simpson, U.S. Army, Fort Sill, Oklahoma stevenlsimpson@hotmail.com

CH (Major) David Spears, U.S. Army, Fort Benning, Georgia spearsdl@aol.com

CH (COL) Kerry Steedley, U. S. Army, Fort Shafter, Hawaii kerry1948@aol.com

CH (LT. COL) Tim Sturgill, U.S. Air Force, Tucson, Arizona trsturgill@cox.net

CH (CPT) David Trogdon, U.S. Army Fort Campbell, Clarksville, Tennessee davidfwbchaplain@netscape.net |