September 2017
Church and Home

The Call
By Reuben Cason
The call was intended to be a casual, routine chat with my daughter just to see how she and her family were doing. After the usual conversation about life and family in general, she made a comment about a question her oldest son (my first grandchild) asked about the Tower of Babel. Immediately, I said, “That’s what my Sunday School lesson was about this past Sunday.” We started talking about the question, and I began to share my thoughts. After the conversation, I said, “You know, this is a good example of why we use D6 curriculum. Our family is in different towns and in different churches, but we all had the same lesson this past Sunday.”
D6 curriculum is based on the principles of Deuteronomy 6:6-7 “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.”
After the conversation, I sat for a few moments and pondered what had happened. I was raised in a Christian home—a pastor’s home—and my parents taught me the Word of God. We went to Sunday School every Sunday, and even though we didn’t have D6 curriculum back then, my parents still talked to us about what we had learned that day. Years later, my wife and I, now with our own family, would talk to our children about what they learned in Sunday School. Now that our children are grown and married with families of their own, they take their children (our grandchildren) to Sunday School, and they, too, discuss what they learned in class that day.
Countless times, I have reflected back over that phone call and thanked the Lord we could participate in the discipleship experience facilitated by D6 curriculum. I realize we need to talk with our children and grandchildren about the things of the Lord, as many generations before us have done. But I can’t tell you how encouraged I was that day. We might not have had the conversation, and I might not have been able to share my thoughts with my daughter for her to pass along to my grandson if we had not had the same Sunday School lesson the previous Sunday.
Parents have the God-given responsibility to teach their children God’s Word and to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4b). D6 curriculum is a great tool to help parents accomplish this goal. As parents and children walk into the Bible study classroom, they are taught the lesson from God’s Word on the same theme of Scripture. Even though the lesson will be geared to the appropriate age and the application may be different, the theme is the same, and often from the same passage of Scripture. Parents know what their children are studying from God’s Word and can be equipped with the knowledge and understanding they need to discuss the lesson with their children and help them apply the Word of God to their lives during the week.
Who knows, after a lesson, a daughter’s father may call, and they may have a conversation about the Tower of Babel, all because three different generations were studying the same lesson. I have forgotten the question regarding the Tower of Babel, but I will never forget the impact that moment had on my family.
About the Writer: Reuben Cason is the promotional director for the North Carolina State Association of Free Will Baptists. He and His wife Terry have three children and seven grandchildren. Learn more about D6 Curriculum: D6family.com.