
take action!
Erasing the RED from missionary accounts.
by Larry A. Powell
For more information about the FWB Home Missions Department (now North American Ministries), please visit www.FWBNAM.com. |
the windows of home missionaries and see their work,
their fields, and—in some cases—their deficit accounts.
The information below will direct your attention
to where help is needed most.
Although the temperature has been 50 degrees
below zero in Fairbanks, Alaska, Ron and Janice Wallace
had their best winter attendance ever in their
new facilities. Ron and Janice are missionaries at
Northern Lights FWB Church in Alaska, the largest
state in the union.
Mark Braisher and his family in Overland Park, Kansas,
are preparing to build new facilities. It has taken
a while to reach this point, but construction should
take place in the near future. Missionaries overcome
many obstacles during the building process.
Don Bailey, home missionary to San Antonio, Texas, is moving modular buildings onto his property to
be used for Sunday School and worship services.
Paul Park, Cross-Cultural Korean Ministry, continues
to travel from one end of the country to the other
to raise support for Korean Free Will Baptist churches.
His passion is to see many Korean FWB churches
planted to reach this growing segment of the population
in America for Christ.
Paul McKissick, Fredericksburg, Virginia, and
the members of the New Heights FWB Church have
moved into a new meeting place with an inviting sign
for those who pass by. They have begun the next
phase of the work with programs for youth, Bible
studies, and fellowship.
Tim Byers, Ashtabula, Ohio, and the members of
the mission church there are experiencing growth in
all areas of work with a growing youth ministry and
continually seeing souls saved.
Encourage these faithful missionaries by partnering
with them through prayer and financial aid. Take
action now so they do not have to leave their church
to raise salary funds across the nation. Thank you on
behalf of each hard working church planter.
Larry A. Powell is the general director of the Home Missions
Bailey, Don - $ 4,101.13
Braisher, Mark - $2,339.25
Byers, Tim - $1,310.70
McKissick, Paul - $2,603.28
Park, Paul - $3,301.70
Rubio, Carlos - $6,289.60