Missionaries recount their decision to give their lives back to God.
we surrender all
By Donna Crabtree
“If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26, 33).
One of the most powerful moments in our lives was the night God drew a line and asked us if we would cross over it. It was either yes or no. No maybe. We said yes and surrendered to the Lord’s call as the congregation sang. That was the beginning of our missionary journey.
“We surrender all.” Surrender what? Did we say all? Yes, we told God we would give up family, friends, and a stable environment to move to another country to serve Him. Did we understand what that meant? Not at first. Could we possibly uproot two teenagers, surrender everything we knew as normal, and survive? Yes, we did, and yes, we have survived.
Has the journey been easy? No, it has not. Have there been days when we were discouraged, lonely, and frustrated? Yes, there have been. Has it been taxing on our relationship as husband and wife? At times, yes. Do we miss our families during holidays or times of illness? Of course, we do.
You might say to yourself, “I could never do that.” Yes, you could. You need to understand that when God calls you, He does not expect you to go alone. He goes with you. But Jesus meant what He said in the scripture text above. We must be willing to give up everything to serve him. Willing is the key word!
On the other hand, we have experienced many wonderful things on this journey. God has been faithful, and we have seen Him provide for us many times. He has provided in ways we would never have expected. I wish you could visit us and see what God has done.
Join the Team
Are there things you can do from to help us and other missionaries? Absolutely. Find out who your missionaries are. Learn more about where they are serving, whether in the U.S. or around the world. Study the cultures they live in, and what it would take to live there. We had to learn Canadian currency and culture when we arrived. We live in a province, not a state. Our holidays are different from those in the U.S. We have different postage rates. We have a prime minister, not a president. Everything that comes in or goes out of this country must go through customs, including us.
Remember, church planters start with nothing. Most have no piano or pianist, communion set or deacons to serve, Sunday School literature or teachers to teach, hymnals or someone to lead the singing. Most start out without people or a building. So, when you think about us, think about providing the things listed above.
The journey is difficult, so pray. Finances are needed, so give. Be practical. Think about the items a missionary might need and raise money to purchase one or more of them. If you cannot visit your missionaries, send them a card of encouragement, or better yet, pick up the phone and call them.
We need to know we are not forgotten. Finally, don’t forget that God continues to call others to do what we are doing. Are you willing to say, “Yes, I surrender all?” I am sure you can and will!
About the Writer: Donna Crabtree is a home missionary to Serenity FWB Church in New Brunswick, Canada. Read more about their church at www.homemissions.net.