December 2020- January 2021
Passing the Faith

Stirring Potential
By CH (MAJ) W. Lee Frye, Jr.
And the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him… (Judges 13:25a)
God’s own heart was stirred for us when we were lost, and He sacrificed His Son.
Today, He stirs our hearts for others. —Jason Berry
Do you want to be remembered for the potential of what might have been or done? Or, are you willing to allow God to change you into what He wants you to become? Recently, while reading through the book of Judges, I was reminded of the tremendous God-given potential and strength Samson possessed. Not many people have started life with credentials like his. Born as a result of God’s plan in the lives of Manoah and his wife, Samson was to accomplish a great work for God, to deliver Israel from the Philistines. To help him accomplish God’s plan, Samson was given enormous physical strength. However, Samson wasted his enormous strength on practical jokes, disobedience, and trying to gratify fleshly desires. Therefore, we tend to remember him for his failures. We remember him as the judge in Israel who spent his final days grinding grain in an enemy prison, and we think, “What wasted potential!”
Think about all the things Samson could have done. He could have strengthened his nation. He could have returned his people to the worship of God. He could have wiped out the Philistines. Yet, even though Samson did none of those things, he still accomplished the purpose announced by the angel who visited his parents before his birth. In his final act, Samson did his part to rescue Israel from the Philistines.
Today, when we read the New Testament, it does not mention Samson’s failures or his heroic feats of strength. He is simply listed in the book of Hebrews, along with others “who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice and gained what was promised.” In the end, Samson recognized his dependence on God and prayed the Almighty would stir his strength, one last time. When he died, God turned his failures and defeats into victory.
What stirs your heart? These things may indicate areas where God wants to use you. God uses a variety of means to develop and prepare us: Scripture, the Holy Spirit, parents, churches, schools, friends, articles (like this one), and even personal experiences.
Although I cannot relate to all of Samson’s life struggles, I can relate to the Lord stirring my heart and struggling to find courage to step out in faith. Early in life, after accepting Christ, the Lord began to stir my heart with the desire to preach His Word. I remember sitting in the front row of our church, watching pastor Bob Prichard’s every move. I thought, “Wow! I want to do that Lord!” I even started to dress like him, wearing a suit, tie, and black leather zip up boots—you know the ones with the heel on them, that make you look taller. I never understood why my pastor needed them, though, because from pew to the pulpit, he looked like a powerful giant of a man. This is where it all started for me.
However, it was not until the summer of 2006, while attending the National Convention in Birmingham, Alabama, that God confirmed His plan for my family and me. On the second day of the convention, my wife Blair and I took our children (Hayden and Lily) to our hotel room for a much-needed afternoon nap. At this point, Hayden thought he was Dash from The Incredibles (thank goodness for Blair’s Elastigirl arm), and Lily had turned into The Incredible Hulk, trying to break free from her five-point stroller harness.
Just about the time we had everyone’s attention in the metropolitan area, the elevator door opened, we slipped in, and to our surprise other brave souls joined us. While ascending to our room, with operation nap time in full effect, Blair and I noticed another couple in the elevator. It was Chaplain Kerry Steedley and his wife Brenda. We both will never forget what happened next. Chaplain Steedley looked at us and asked, “Have you ever considered serving in the Army chaplaincy?”
The next day, thanks to my parents, we enjoyed coffee with the Steedleys. Blair and I told them the Lord had been stirring our hearts for some time regarding the chaplaincy. We definitely felt as though the Lord was calling us to pastor soldiers and their families. Neither
of us wanted to miss out on God’s potential plan for our family. But the risks of change, family separation, and war weighed heavily on our minds. We asked the Steedleys to commit to pray with us to see what the
Lord would do.
In her book Rhythms of Renewal, Rebekah Lyons says, “Taking a risk may be the hardest thing you’ll ever do, but it’s the only way we can partner with God in creating good and beautiful things.” Partnering with God and living out His plan and purpose for our lives always comes with risks. It ultimately cost Samson his life. And, it will cost us something, too. However, standing on the sidelines of life, while knowing God is calling you to partner with Him is also a risk. You risk missing out on God’s best. You risk missing out on the adventure He has for you. You risk the loss of rewards He has in store for you and your family.
After much prayer, Blair and I decided to partner with God and follow His plan for our lives. We decided to trust, to dream, to step out in faith, and embrace His calling. We decided not to worry about tomorrow, but to live in the peace of God’s purpose for us today. Team Frye has now been serving in active duty Army Chaplaincy since 2009.
Although there have been many challenges, like my current deployment, there have also been some incredible adventures and amazing ministry opportunities for the family. Looking back, we are glad the Lord stirred our hearts to do His will and work. We are humbled by the work He prepared in advance for us to do. We are truly grateful for the work to which He has called us, and for allowing us to continue to partner with Him in the chaplaincy. In Ephesians 2:10, Paul said we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works God has prepared in advance for us. Ultimately, God’s intention for all of us is that salvation results in acts of service that build up the Church. And to think: He considers us His works of art!
So, what about you? Has the Lord been stirring your heart? Has He been challenging you and calling you to partner with Him for a particular work? Maybe He is quietly asking what Chaplain Steedley asked: “Have you ever thought about serving the Lord in ____________?”
Let me encourage you with a saying we have in the chaplaincy: “Live the call!” In whatever the Lord has prepared in advance for you: “Live the call!” Samson’s story teaches us it is never too late to take a risk to partner with God. Samson wasted so much of his life standing on the sidelines, but ultimately, he accomplished God’s purpose for his life.
However badly we may have failed, drifted, or stood watching from the sidelines, today is not too late for us to put complete trust in God and embrace His plan and purpose for life. Live the call!
About the Writer: CH (MAJ) W. Lee Frye, Jr. has served as a chaplain in the U.S. Army since 2009. He is currently stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia. Learn more about becoming a Free Will Baptist chaplain: fwbnam.com/chaplaincy.
A personal note from Chaplain Frye: First, I am so thankful God desires to partner with us in ministry. I am also thankful for people like you and organizations like Randall House Publications, that partner with us too. Randall House Publications has and continues to support Free Will Baptist chaplains by shipping free Bible study materials wherever we are sent. Thanks to Ron Hunter and crew for the prayer and materials! Thanks for helping us stir Christ’s potential in the hearts and lives of others. Second, to my Free Will Baptist family, may the Lord protect you and use you mightily during this worldwide pandemic.