June-July 2015
Interface: Make the Connection

I figured out a long time ago that people do what they want...
Who Gets to Decide?
By Ken Akers
Have you ever wondered who gets to decide what is right or wrong, what is in style, what is proper, and what is not? Who gets to decide what proper manners are? We have all been told not to put our elbows on the table, right? While watching television one night, I came across a special program from Miss Manners. Hosting the show was an elegant gentlemen, Larry the Cable Guy. According to Miss Manners (and Larry), it is okay to place your elbows on the table…as long as you are not eating. What about all that silverware? Why doesn’t everyone just use a spork? I don’t need three forks, two spoons, and two knives; just give me one spork. But that is just me.
The real question is what God says about manners. Ephesians commands us to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving. Why? For Christ’s sake, because He has forgiven us.
Who gets to decide what words are proper to say? From childhood, we are taught there are good words and bad words. Our parents make the decisions when we are young, but where did they get their opinion? Have you ever considered that we can describe the same thing using many different words? Some are acceptable; others definitely are not.
Maybe this says a lot about me, but I watch the television show Dog the Bounty Hunter. I find it entertaining to see them chase down criminals. Many times on the show, either before the manhunt or after their capture, they stop and pray in Jesus name. However, during the hunt, they use language I certainly wouldn’t use, nor would any of the people I associate with. Thankfully, the show producers have a beep button, and they use it often. I am always surprised by what some people think is appropriate language.
But what does God say about words? James says to let yes be yes and no be no; anything else may be too much. It also challenges us to be swift to hear and slow to speak. Paul told Timothy to be an example in his words.
Who gets to decide what is in fashion? By default, I sometimes watch HGTV with my wife. Some styles people choose really confuse me. While I have to admit, I enjoy the home improvement shows, I draw the line at the clothing shows. I think everyone wants to be stylish enough not to be awkward, but I am always happy to see people who have their own style.
My oldest granddaughter is about to turn ten. Her mother lets her pick her own outfits to wear to school. Needless to say, she has unique style. I go to Haiti a couple times a year, and it is quickly obvious that they don’t care much about style, and the combinations I see would never make the runways in Paris. For the most part, however, the Haitians are modest and clean.
What does God say about fashion? First John 2 says that the pride of life is not of the Father but of the world. Deuteronomy 22:5 states that women shouldn’t wear men’s clothes and men shouldn’t wear women’s, and it is an abomination to do so. And 1 Corinthians 10 tells us that whatever we do, we should do it to the glory of God. The bottom line? Be modest and a good example to the next generation.
While there are many other areas we could cover—how many pillows on the bed are too many; the correct height to hang pictures; and so on—I know these things are not that important. But I believe the most important question is this: who gets to decide who goes to Heaven? The Bible tells us plainly that it is God’s will that none should perish, that all should come to repentance. In His sovereignty, God gave man the decision. It’s ours. It’s up to us.
So the question is: what are you going to do with Jesus? You decide.
About the Writer: Ken Akers is director of Free Will Baptist Master’s Men. Learn more: www.fwbmastersmen.org.