
giving with simplicity
by David Crowe
In Romans 12:8 we read, “He that giveth, let him do it with simplicity.”
It is my understanding that this could also be translated “let him give with generosity.” The context of Romans 12 is stated in the first two verses when God begs us to present our bodies as living sacrifices, our only reasonable service to Him.
In verse two, he gets to the matter at hand, the need to become less and less like the world and more and more like Christ. The remainder of Romans 12 contains a discourse on how to accomplish what He begs us to do in the first two verses. This article looks closer at verse eight and the command to "give with simplicity."
I grew up in a Christian home and have attended church all of my life. I have vivid memories of my parents sitting at the kitchen table on Saturday morning after payday on Friday, writing checks to pay the bills. It always amazed me that their first check was always for tithes to our church. After that check was written the other bills were paid.
Many times, they didn’t know how they were going to pay all the bills. Yet even when the figures just wouldn’t work out on paper, they always paid their tithes first. Many times they put money into the offering plate for Free Will Baptist colleges, children’s homes, missionaries, and many other needs. I knew there was never money left after the bills were paid, but that never kept my parents from “giving with simplicity.”
I didn’t realize at the time what an impact they had on my life.
My parents instilled in me that you give to God and the church because it’s the right thing to do. Not for recognition. Not for reward. Just to be pleasing to God!
My wife Kathey, was raised the same way. For nearly 32 years, we have paid our tithes and shared our offerings, doing our best to “give with simplicity.” When God has impressed us to give, we have tried to be obedient. Many times, we didn’t know where the money would come from or what the outcome would be, but we always tried to be faithful and God has been faithful to us.
As director of development for the Home Missions Department, I serve as the primary fundraiser for the department. I don’t enjoy fundraising, and I don’t feel as though it is one of my gifts. I don’t like to ask anyone for anything. I don’t want to be known as “the guy with his hand out.”
I would rather be known as the guy who wants to give you something—my time, my energy, my prayers, my possessions, or anything else God tells me to give. At Home Missions, we believe God has placed us here to serve others, not to be served.
Sometimes we are questioned about the trips and gifts we give to those who contribute to our department. While I have already expressed my philosophy of giving—faithful, generous, “simple” giving—I see nothing wrong with giving back to those who listen and respond when God tells them to give. We have been able to do some nice things for pastors, their wives, and others who have given generously over the years.
I have answered many questions about where the money comes from to pay for these gifts and trips. Home Missions established a Promotions Fund using money from interest earned by the Church Extension Loan Fund (CELF). Not one penny has been taken from any offering, investment, or gift to Home Missions.
Each month, a portion of the money earned from CELF loans is placed into the Promotion Fund. Every gift and every trip is underwritten by this fund. You can rest assured that every penny you give to Home Missions will be used to support missionaries and the general fund. At the same time, thanks to the Promotional Fund, I am glad to offer Heritage Trips and other gifts of gratitude for our pastors and their wives, many lay couples, and individuals.
Let me be clear. I believe God commands us to “give with simplicity.” Yet I am also happy to provide trips and gifts to those willing to give to the Lord’s work. It is my prayer that each of us will always give for the right reasons and the right motives because God will always bless that kind of giving. May we all become less and less like the world in our giving and more and more like Christ!
About the Writer: David Crowe is director of development for the Home Missions Department. To learn more about the ministry of Home Missions, visit www.homemissions.net.