On September 23-25, Christian leaders from across the globe gathered in Dallas, Texas, to start a revolution...
a significant moment in the history of the church
Try getting a drink of water from a fire hose! That’s how many attendees described the D6 Conference. Thirty-seven speakers all brought their “A Game” to a packed house of ministers, parents, and church leaders with the message of connecting church and home. The powerful opening video set the tone showing 1,600 attendees the impact Deuteronomy six can have on families around the world.
Too optimistic? People traveled from Canada, Puerto Rico, Australia, Norway, the Philippines and 41 different states to hear the speakers, swap ideas, and take resources back to their ministries. D6 is even being exported to Norway! Randall House has already designed the logo for the Norwegian concept of D6. Dr. Richard Ross, international spokesperson for True Love Waits said, "This [D6 conference] is a significant moment in the history of the church."
Darren Whitehead kicked off the event telling the group how their church realized that the parents teaching the kids was Plan A and the church being solely responsible for that teaching is Plan B. “I gasp at the beauty of the church” is how he described families responding to the way the church touches their lives at home. Angela Thomas drove this point even further when she walked us through how the church played a significant role in healing her broken family and giving her hope and encouragement.
Just when listeners thought they could not handle any more, comedian Tim Hawkins appeared on stage. He soon had people laughing so hard they complained of their sides hurting the next day. Forty-five minutes of roaring laughter flew by before the audience was re-engaged in the spiritual formation models of local churches. It was non-stop worshipful experience, concluding that church can no longer fit into a small window of people’s lives. Rob Rienow brought the house to their knees with his challenge from God’s Word showing, “The shortest distance between a child’s heart and Christ is their parents.”
Drinking from a fire hose? Yes. Digesting the message quickly? Impossible. This was more than an event—it is a life changer. The D6 Conference provides a meeting place to talk about what God is doing within the body of Christ.
Free Will Baptists are leading this conversation because Randall House stepped out on faith to be used by God to lead the church, pastors, and families in this pivotal time. Our churches are growing in responsibility, and we must step up and connect with the parents so they can connect with their kids.
Future generations are counting on the church, and we cannot let them down. Mark your calendars and come talk with leaders from around the world about this movement.
The next D6 Conference will be September 15-17, 2010, in Dallas, TX. Visit www.d6conference.com.