roadside discipleship
by Chad Kivette
AS A HOME MISSIONARY TO GRAND JUNCTION, Colorado, I have been involved in many aspects of discipleship. I believe the task of discipleship is far more tedious than evangelism. Yet discipleship is vital to the longevity of a ministry. In two years in Colorado, I have seen Sunday church attendance double and Wednesday evening attendance triple. How can this be explained? I simply credit it to Roadside Discipleship.
Let me explain. In all of Jesus’ teachings, His motto was never, “Do as I say, not as I do;” rather He was an example of what He taught. As we lead people to Christ, we must be the example for them to follow.
A few weeks ago, Armon and I were riding back to Grand Junction after taking our children to youth camp. (Armon was our first convert in Grand Junction.) What started out as an ordinary day, ended in an amazing way. It was a day for Roadside Discipleship
As we were driving the fifty miles home, we passed a lady on the side of the road trying to change a flat tire. Being the Christians that we were, we prayed that God would send her some help…not really. However, it is true that we did not stop immediately, and suddenly the Holy Spirit began to convict me. I turned the car around, and Armon and I offered to help. After a few minutes, I realized the lug wrench was missing, and we could do nothing without the proper tools.

At the time I did not realize Stacy’s flat tire was no accident. It was a divine appointment orchestrated by God Himself. As I apologized for not being able to change the tire, I pulled out a card and invited her to church. Have you ever gotten a funny look when inviting someone to church? I did that day!
Little did I know that Stacy had been praying that God would lead her to the right church. Stacy came the next Sunday and brought nine people with her. The following Sunday she returned with eleven people. Since that day on the side of the road, Stacy has not missed a single Sunday. Stacy and her husband are always present and bringing someone with them.
Armon learned the importance of being sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the urgent need to share his faith. Because of that July day on the side of the road, our church has been blessed with Stacy, Bruce, and six children. Armon has since implemented a soul-winning class to teach others how to witness. “Reaching one, so they can reach one, so they can reach one.” Isn’t this what true discipleship is all about?
About the Writer: Chad Kivette and his family are Home Missionaries to Westgate Free Will Baptist Church in Grand Junction, Colorado.