randall House News
Randall House is a Christian publisher dedicated to promoting the cause of Christ and serving the Church through the development and distribution of Bible-based curriculum and quality Christian products. As a trusted publisher of Bible-based products for more than forty years, we are proud of the impact our products make on the lives of people around the world.
CLEAR Teacher of the Year
Teaching Sunday School is a privilege that requires commitment, dedication, and sacrifice. While all teachers are special people, to be nominated CLEAR Teacher of the Year is a distinct honor. If your Sunday School teacher meets the following criteria for CLEAR Teacher of the Year, fill out the form at www.CLEAR curriculum.com.
Does your teacher use CLEAR curriculum?
Does your teacher capture the interest of students and relate to students on their level?
Does your teacher study to become more knowledgeable and skilled in teaching and applying the Word of God? (Workshops, TEAM Church, D6 Conference, etc.)
Does your teacher go outside the classroom to help students grow in spiritual maturity and Christian service?

The CLEAR Teacher of the Year will receive 3 days, 2 nights stay at the 2009 national convention. This prize includes food, lodging, and a transportation allotment. Also the CLEAR Teacher of the Year will receive a $200 decorating allowance for his or her classroom and a $100 gift card to Randall House.
Randall House sponsors CLEAR Teacher of the Year annually.
To make a nomination for the 2009 CLEAR Teacher of the Year, visit www.CLEARcurriculum.com and complete the online form.
If you have any questions regarding the CLEAR Teacher of the Year award, or need a paper copy of the form, call (800) 877-7030 ext. 315. The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2009.
The Gathering
The 2008 Gathering of FWB Youth Workers at the Youth Pastor Summit in Orlando was such a great success we want to do it again in 2009. Go to www.fwbgathering.com for information about this event. The registration is free. Plan to stay an extra day after the YP Summit and fellowship with FWB youth workers.
National Youth Conference 2009
Theme: 60 Minutes With God “Seek the Lord and His strength” (Psalm 105:4)
Youth Camp Bible lessons on the NYC theme, 60 Minutes with God,
will be available in the spring as a free download at www.fwbnyc.com.
The SCM Youth Ministries Kit
The SCM Youth Ministry Kit is a brand-new tool from Randall House to help make youth ministry preparation time more efficient and effective. It includes an annual calendar with dates, reminders, and links to a wide variety of events and projects of interest to youth and youth workers. It offers over a year’s supply of Bible Studies, and contains 15 categories of resources and web links:
Outreach and service projects
Ministry development
Forms and templates