February-March 2021
Ripple Effects

REFRESH: The Importance of a Church Missions Statement
As a national denominational leader, I enjoy the opportunity to visit state meetings and hear reports from other national agencies. One thing I appreciate about our departments is when their representatives start their reports with their departmental mission statement, which often sounds like this: “We exist to…”
Here are some examples of these national mission statements:
North American Ministries: equip and send church planters and chaplains to plant healthy churches and to make disciples in North America.
IM, Inc: labor with the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.
ONE Magazine: communicate to Free Will Baptists a unifying vision of our role in the extension of God’s Kingdom.
Welch College: educate leaders to serve Christ, His Church, and
His world through biblical thought and life.
WNAC: provide opportunities for each woman to fulfill the Great Commission through her God-
designed roles at home and abroad.
Here are some examples of local church mission statements:
Know Jesus and make Jesus known.
Love God, love people, make
Introduce people to Jesus and help them follow Him.
Any organization needs to know why it exists; especially the local church. Have you ever wondered if your church people know why your church exists? Do you know why your church exists?
Why is a mission statement important? A mission statement sums up your church values and objectives. It answers the question, “Why does this church exist?” It serves as a tool to help everyone understand what’s important. A clearly defined mission statement keeps the focus on what’s essential to the church. It keeps the church from “majoring on the minor and minoring on the major.” It guides the thinking of the congregation, shapes the budget, and allows leaders to focus on those things most important to the church.
I have always believed a church should create a mission statement based on the Great Commission. Sure, the church needs to edify the saints, care for the needy, and have great pot-luck meals. But far more important, we exist to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). The church must take seriously its responsibility to evangelize and disciple the world.
Everything the church does should point to this truth. If the church isn’t about reaching the lost, it basically will become a religious country club, striving to provide a pleasing atmosphere and safe place for Christians to enjoy each other’s company. While fellowship is biblical, Scripture is clear: the Church exists to make disciples.
When a church clearly defines its purpose and makes it known to their people—experts say we have to remind the congregation every month—it points them in the right direction. It helps avoid and redirect inward thinking and preservation of the status quo.
Many things must happen to bring about real change, but with a clearly defined mission statement, your church can begin its quest to reach your community.
“Our church exists to…”
You finish this mission statement, pass it on to your church, and remind them frequently.
About the Columnist: Dr. Brad Ransom is director of church planting and chief training officer for North American Ministries. Contact Brad: brad@nafwb.org.