March 2020
Eternal Investment

By Eddie Moody
We all love refreshment, especially in the afternoon or
on a long trip. Scripture says much about refreshing
(Acts 3:19-21; Psalm 16: 8-4; Psalm 23:3; Romans 13:11; John 16:13). Today, many (if not all) of our churches need to be refreshed. You probably know the bleak statistics: 85% of Bible believing churches are declining or have plateaued. On average, we lose 46 Free Will Baptist churches each year. Many other churches are presently closing or on the verge of closing, and on average, we lose 2,200 Free Will Baptist church members a year. Other churches are not as healthy as they probably believe. Most churches are declining in membership from one year to the next. And, even growing churches are unlikely to be on pace with the growth in population of the United States.
For these reasons, North American Ministries and the Executive Office have launched ReFresh. We are combining church revitalization efforts to more effectively help congregations by providing resources and support for churches everywhere.
We believe we can do more together to meet the needs of our churches. In 2020, we will train 30 regional coaches to work with churches in their region that need extensive help. We also will provide audio and video podcasts with brief and practical information to encourage and help church leaders and laypeople. These podcasts are designed for listening on the way to a hospital visit or during a daily commute.
We additionally will provide resources church leaders can use to help their churches minister more effectively. We will continue to offer seminars and “boot camps.” Additionally, we are looking for states to partner with us to provide training and networking opportunities for pastors and churches in their region. The training information also will be available online, so any church in any location can use it.
Join us in praying for the success of ReFresh and do what you can to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
About the Writer: Eddie Moody is executive secretary of the National Association of Free Will Baptists. Learn more about ReFresh: nafwb.org/refresh.
From the North American Ministries Director
I’m excited to be part of the new cooperative effort for church revitalization between the Executive Office and North American Ministries. This joint effort will help our pastors, churches, and church leaders in the areas of church growth, health, and revitalization. We are unpacking a comprehensive program called ReFresh.
Under the umbrella of ReFresh you will find ReKindle, directed Dr. Danny Dwyer, as well as informational and inspirational podcasts on a variety of subjects. In addition, the Fresh Wind guidebook for church revitalization from Dr. Brad Ransom can be used by the pastor to lead his people through a revitalization program at their own pace. ReFresh also will provide assessments for the pastor his staff, and church leadership. These are exciting times for Free Will Baptists! I’m thrilled to have a “ringside seat” to watch what God will do in and through this joint effort.
—Dr. H. David Crowe