February -
March 2022
Stewardship: Past the Offering Plate

Redeeming the TIME
By Curt Holland
It’s the time of year when we anxiously await the first hints of Spring to spring up from the cold, winter soil. Those of us who enjoy the sand and ocean breezes can become impatient with the snow and long nights of winter. Whether beautiful tulips or bright and happy crocus, our hearts are warmed and encouraged by the explosion of colors around us. However, as the earlier generation has reminded me, things don’t just happen. Many hours of hard work and planning take place before a beautiful flower garden appears.
Recently, I have been talking about what a great time it is to be part of our IM family of missionaries, international workers, and national leaders. Just like a flower garden, great doesn’t happen by chance. We know it takes all of us to plant and water, and we count on the Lord for the increase and blessings around us. How do we define great?
Growth – IM continues to expand endeavors around the globe with the appointment of new missionaries and exploration for new fields of ministry. Over the past five years, despite a global pandemic, more than 30 missionaries were appointed, raised funds, began their two-year internship, or moved to career status. During this time, we also added three international missionary couples, supported new churches planted in each of our countries of ministry, and sent missionaries to new countries like Kenya and Ecuador. The Kingdom continues to grow because these individuals invested their lives for the advancement of the gospel. They can Go, and we can Grow, because God’s people Give!
Resources – Despite the economic rollercoaster surrounding global events, God’s people—local churches and individuals—said yes when new missionaries asked for prayer and financial support. Because of these partnerships, growth continues. Rich soil grows beautiful flowers. When the soil is continually fertilized, watered, and nurtured, flowers flourish. Our IM family of workers flourish because of the generosity of state plans, associational meetings, local churches, families, and individuals committed to our mission: “to labor with the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission.”
Effort – When supporters from all walks of life put in long hours of work, care for their families, and attend day-to-day responsibilities, the cycle of living can become exhausting. When new missionaries learn a new language, prepare messages and discipleship materials, and teach English outreach classes, the cycle of ministry may become exhausting. When the effort of living and ministry are intertwined, those who send and those who go enter a partnership of combined exhaustion for the cause of Christ. The word labor in our motto isn’t just a word on a page; it’s an action verb involving goers and senders, each doing their part to make sure the gospel, the Good News of Jesus, reaches the ends of the earth. Effort is our collaboration of labor resulting in the Great Commission.
Attitude – Some gardeners admit to talking to their plants. Some argue the benefit of these conversations is the difference in the attitude of the gardener. If you joined a Zoom call with missionaries serving around the world, you would notice an attitude. If you walk into the IM office, “attitude” is obvious. Every morning, the IM staff prays for the Lord’s global outreach and the teams of support. IM staff chooses to have an attitude of prayer, rather than an attitude of fret or fear. Our field teams of missionaries have chosen an attitude of courage and collaboration. Why? Because the prayers of God’s people are extremely powerful and effective. In addition to a world pandemic, the enemy has challenged our IM families on many sides. However, the Lord has allowed our missionaries to overcome obstacles and turn them into opportunities!
Timing – The long winter and the dread of darkness are overcome when flowers flourish and the new season “springs” forth. Scripture reminds us the Lord’s timing is always perfect. He is never late. Even when we can’t see the signs of spring or feel the freshness of His presence, the Lord is making His glory known among the nations. Mark Batterson reminds us: “Sometimes God shows up. Sometimes He shows off” (The Grave Robber). The Lord shows His greatness in and through our IM family, because we all have a part to play in the Great Commission. Because God’s people prayed, invested, and partnered with IM, He has done great things.

At this TIME, the doors have closed on some ministries, but new doors and opportunities are open in other areas. With the departure of Brother Carlisle Hanna from India after 70 years of ministry, the national church continues. In addition, the Lord has provided partnership ministries in surrounding countries.
At the TIME, during the beginning of the COVID lock-down, online services were not the norm. However, because of the need to stream worship services, curious seekers had accessible and live worship experiences. The Lord allowed many non-believers around the globe, especially in France, to watch, listen, and learn about the gospel. A number of those were introduced to Christ. God used COVID restrictions as opportunities for untraditional outreach in our churches to call curious seekers and non-believers to Christ! This scenario has been repeated in many of our countries of ministry.
At the TIME new interns were appointed to serve in Japan, ministries were moving at full speed. Then the borders closed and new missionaries could not enter the country. Because of this timing, many Japanese believers accepted the challenge to take on ministry roles and responsibilities, sooner rather than later. This has become true in other countries as well.
When the TIME came for Tyler and Kellie Penn to move to another house, their timing was strategic. They knew the new address would mean their children would have to attend a new school. The commute to their
English outreach center would be greater. However,
the space their new property provided and the 150-plus international students who attended the first event at their new house delivered great impact.
At the TIME I am writing this article, seven missionary candidates are seeking appointment by the IM board. They will join a new generation of missionaries becoming a part of the IM family at a GREAT TIME! As you read this article, the Lord will continue to do many great things through His people.
Space and TIME make it impossible to share all the amazing stories our missionaries experience daily. However, these stories are efforts of living and ministry intertwined; those who send and those who go, combined exhaustion for the cause of Christ. It is a great time to be part of the IM family!
Perhaps the psalmist and gardener could agree, “I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD: Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait I say, on the LORD.”
Growth, resources, effort, attitude, and timing are a part of the great things God is doing in IM through our partnerships and work around the world.
About the Author: Curt Holland is director of field ministry personnel for IM, Inc. Learn more: www.IMinc.org.