September 2023
Changing World...
Unchanging Mission

Recruiting for Boot Camp
By Brad Ransom, Chief Training Officer, North American Ministries
Have you ever wished you had practical ministry training? I think it is safe to say almost every pastor and leader has felt unprepared for certain things in ministry. As I travel around the country visiting churches and pastors, I hear this comment repeatedly.
North American Ministries now offers a free,
two-day Boot Camp for pastors and church leaders.
Let me be clear: this training does not replace a college program or degree. I strongly encourage all ministry-
minded people to pursue a degree from one of our Free Will Baptist colleges. Like many pastors, I graduated from college with a theology degree, but when I started my first ministry position, I still felt unprepared for many challenges I encountered in ministry. North American Ministries and the Executive Office have partnered to provide practical training through Boot Camps for pastors and church leaders.
The next training is October 23-24 at the National Office Building in Antioch, Tennessee. Camp begins Monday morning at 9:00 a.m. and concludes Tuesday afternoon at 5:00 p.m. When you do the math, that’s 36 hours of intense, ministry-changing training.
Boot Camp is FREE but limited to the first 15 registrants. The training is applicable not only to pastors but also to other church leaders. In fact, many pastors bring a leader with them to receive training together. We ask churches to limit registration to the pastor and up to two other leaders to save room for other churches to participate. Travel, lodging, and dinner are not provided.
Since Boot Camp started, we have provided training for over 100 pastors and leaders. Here is what we have heard from those who attended:
One word. AMAZING. The strength and encouragement from the leaders was AMAZING. The knowledge we gained in each session was AMAZING. The fellowship with other pastors was AMAZING. Exactly what this discouraged pastor needed! This would be an excellent two-day camp for every pastoral student to take. All I can say is THANK YOU for pouring your hearts of knowledge into me and my ministry. Pastors Boot Camp was AMAZING. —Pastor Mike Nabors, Alabama
I truly enjoyed each session and the practical application given. The teaching topics were excellent, and the motivation was greatly appreciated. The question-and-answer time, along with the fellowship, was helpful. I encourage anyone in ministry to consider attending the Pastors Boot Camp training. The time and sacrifice our NAM leaders put into this makes the training well worth attending. You will be blessed and equipped. —Pastor Gary Mitchener, Missouri
Pastors Boot Camp is by far one of the greatest resources in the denomination. It was both engaging and practical. I came expecting a blessing and went away feeling encouraged, challenged, and excited about ministry. —Pastor Dwayne James, Tennessee
The Boot Camp I attended in Nashville was an incredible experience packed with knowledge and bursting with encouragement from our denominational leaders. I obtained a lead pastor position in October 2020 in California. This was my first time as a lead pastor, and due to shutdowns, I couldn’t really meet with local pastors to bounce ideas off one another and gain the confidence needed to soldier on in a completely unknown era in church history. The sessions offered during this conference were timely and informative to a new pastor, and there were men there who were just as engaged who had been serving in their leadership roles for many years. The other helpful factor was the openness and love demonstrated by the entire NAM staff and the other departments. It was encouraging to hear people you look up to in the denomination cheer you on and pray for your ministry. I would encourage you to consider this opportunity if you are new to the role or have been pastoring for years. We are always able to learn more about ministry, and the opportunity to meet other people in ministry is a great reward as well. —Pastor Jarod Wood, California
These comments make it clear this practical training has been beneficial to many leaders. We hope you take advantage of the upcoming training and sign up today!
To register, or if you have any questions, please call 615-760-6137 or visit fwbnam.com/pastors-boot-camp. |