
2005 benjamin Randall offering - november 20
The goal for this year's Benjamin Randall Offering is $382,000.
For more information about the FWB Home Missions Department (now North American Ministries), please visit www.FWBNAM.com. |
our goal is "five" for 2005
by Dr. Richard Adams
In 2004, three hundred and thirty-nine churches (47 more than in 2003) gave a record $364,000 to the Benjamin Randall offering. This year, we are setting the goal of a 5% increase over what was given last year.

If seventeen more churches will receive an offering and the churches who gave last year could give 5% more this year we would set another record by going over our goal of $382,000!
Please help us plant churches and win souls to the Lord all over North America.
For more information, please contact Richard Adams toll-free at (877) 767-7674 or email him at richard@nafwb.org.

Churches that give $12,000 or more will earn a trip for their pastor and wife for an unforgettable “God and Country Cruise” of the Hawaiian Islands. Free Will Baptist Chaplain Colonel Kerry Steedley will be our guest speaker.

For churches that give $2,000 or more, the pastor and his wife will be treated to two great nights in Nashville, Tennessee’s famous, Opryland Hotel, along with a gift of $200 spending money. This trip is scheduled for September 5-7, 2006.

Those giving $1,000 or more will receive a beautiful 22 x 22 matted and framed painting or the Holy Bible (King James Version) on audio CD, as recorded by Alexander Scourby.

The book entitled Heaven by Randy Alcorn will be given to anyone giving $100 or more. The most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, this volume will make for very interesting reading.

Those giving this $50 will receive an exact replica of a first century oil lamp excavated from archaeological digs in the Holy Land. Each lamp comes with a numbered certificate of authenticity.
by Larry A. Powell
Do your pastor and church family have a vision and burden for planting Free Will Baptist churches in North America? I am sure the answer is YES! For many years now, faithful Free Will Baptist congregations have been members of the Benjamin Randall Club. Some give $50 each month toward pioneer church planting. Gold Club members give as much as $100 a month while Platinum Club members give $200 every month.
These gifts fund the printing of literature, prayer cards, faith promise cards, newsletters, missionary directories, maps, and literature. The money also gives our missionary church planters pages in ONE Magazine to publish their mission message. The club provides staff to support and provide training. As a member of the club you “come alongside” our missionary to encourage and support their soul winning and discipleship efforts.
Please advocate putting the Benjamin Randall Club in your church budget. The pastor using the club method can promote stewardship and soul winning within his congregation while supporting church planting efforts across North America. Today, more than 100 churches are club members. Each year our supporters gather for the Benjamin Randall Club banquet at the National Association of Free Will Baptists. They hear fresh and exciting reports from the field about what God is doing, and we rejoice together.
This is budget-planning time for many local churches. Would you present this ministry to your church? We need 100 additional churches to put the club in their church budget for $50 a month. This move would provide $5,000 a month and $60,000 a year to help plant churches. Let us provide membership cards and brochures today. Please consider the Benjamin Randall Club now. Thank you.
Pictured here are thirteen Free Will Baptist ministers at the gravesite of Elder Benjamin Randall in New Durham, New Hampshire. These pastors and their wives enjoyed this heritage tour. We visited the Old Meeting House where Elder Benjamin Randall preached and the old Zachariah Boody House where he organized the first Free Will Baptist church. We enjoyed special services at the original Church on the Ridge. Several pastors commented that every Free Will Baptist preacher needs to make this trip. It would be wonderful if you would help your pastor and his wife make this trip with us this year.

Larry Powell is the General Director of the Home Missions Department in Antioch, TN.