he still answers prayer
by Rufo Gomez, home missions pastor, Winchester, Kentucky
We want to express our gratitude to God for what He is doing in Kentucky. Several months ago we started a time of prayer and praise on Sundays at 7:00 a.m. God started to answer our requests, members are being blessed, and as a result, we opened a new church in Winchester, Kentucky.
Patty & Antoliano Siguero
My life was submitted to drugs, alcohol, idolatry, and domestic violence. I was tired of not having a solution to all my problems. The pastor invited me to the church, telling me that my life could be different if I believed in God. I liked the idea and I decided to go to the church.
Something happened within me while the pastor was preaching, and afterwards, he made a call to those that wanted to accept Christ. He said, “Leave all debts to Him and try Him for six months. If, in six months nothing happens, they can come and cut out my tongue for being a liar.”
I accepted the challenge, and gave my life to Christ in January 2008. My life changed.
In April, my husband, admiring the change in my life, decided to accompany me to church. That night, God spoke hard to his life, and he received Him into his heart. He told me, “Honey, today, I quit drugs and alcohol, and I quit abusing you.” Exactly six months later, on June 31, 2008, we were both baptized. Now, we are laborers in the church, and we broadcast the church via the radio. God really has made a great change in our lives.
Geronimo Soberano
I arrived at the church two years ago, and the pastor motivated me to go to the Gwen Hendrix Bible Institute. Today, I am pastoring a mission the church opened in Winchester. I love to be a soul-winner, and I am happy with God for all of His blessings in my life.
Martha Sanchez
One night I felt very bad and was hospitalized. They diagnosed me with cancer, and the pastor came to pray for me. I gave my life to Christ while I was in the intensive care unit. In the moment of prayer, I felt the presence of God over my whole body, and He healed me. Today, I am feeling fine and I thank God for His blessings in my life and that He laid a healing hand on me
Maria de Los Angeles
I had an infection I had been trying to treat for a couple of years, but it hadn’t gotten better. But when the pastor prayed for the sick, I went to the altar, and today I no longer have the infection. I know that the Lord has His hand on my life, and I praise Him for loving and caring for me.
There is no doubt that the Lord is in the Hispanic ministry here in Lexington. Our times of worship together are so special, and that never seems to fade. It is amazing to see the hand of God move in the lives of believers. It is remarkable to see the transformation from lives destroyed by drugs and harmful living to smiling faces when our people take God into their hearts. It is a blessing to see how God is using His own here in Lexington.
—Rufo Gómez
Read more about Free Will Baptist Home MIssions at www.homemissions.net.