March 2016
More Than Money

Do You Have a Plan (for Retirement)?
By Dexter Brummitt
As a bivocational pastor raising three kids, with a stay-at-home wife, I counted on my secular job and retirement system to provide my family’s needs. For a long time, what I got from pastoring churches didn’t amount to much anyway. We worked hard and sacrificed to stay ahead and provide for things we needed…and a few that we just wanted. Sometimes, things were tight, but gradually we accomplished most of what we’d hoped. God was gracious and always provided for the things we really needed.
As time went by, we became so focused on the present—raising kids, church ministry, and working at a secular job—we didn’t look too far ahead. Then I began to see some of the older employees where I worked take their retirements. I noticed most of them talked about looking for other jobs so they could survive financially, and still do some of the things they had planned.
I began to wonder if the retirement system I had been counting on was going to be enough. I was hoping to take my retirement as early as possible so I could have more time to focus on ministry and family and, hopefully, slow down a bit. The more retirees I saw working after their retirement, the more interested I became in the plan offered by the Free Will Baptist Board of Retirement. I opened an account and have been contributing to it. It would have been better if I had started earlier and contributed more, but I’m thankful for the way it has grown, even through turbulent economic times.
Now that I have retired from my secular job, I understand better why those earlier retirees were concerned. I’m glad my Board of Retirement account is there. It will take up the slack when I no longer receive a pastoral income.
Every minister should have a plan, and he should be working that plan with the understanding that God always delivers. Sometimes he delivers in a miraculous way that’s unexpected or unforeseen from a human perspective. But most of the time, He delivers by leading us to do the right thing that will reap benefits later on.
Do You Have A Plan?
Do you have a plan for retirement?
A plan will be a great encouragement,
To work your plan and stay on track.
Having a plan puts you ahead of the pack.
Most folks don’t make a plan.
I guess, they don’t think they can.
Do you have a retirement account?
Money invested over time will amount
To relief and comfort as we get old.
It may even keep us out of the cold.
You need to make preparations today.
‘Cause when you retire, you’ll still have bills to pay.
The Board of Retirement is on your side.
They’ll help you get started, then reach your stride.
Your investment will gain and continue to grow.
When you retire you’ll have something to show.
You’ll live the life you planned to live.
You may even have something more to give.
About the Writer: Dexter Brummitt has been a bivocational Free Will Baptist pastor for more than 30 years. He currently pastors West Greene Free Will Baptist Church in Mosheim, Tennessee. Contact www.boardofretirement.com for more information about your retirement options.