the parenting battle
by Ron Hunter, Jr.
You know the enemy is out there! The radar sweeps in slow circling patterns,
searching for a target. You are the admiral of this fleet. You are watching for the attack of the enemy’s submarine and keeping your distance from his battleship.
The ships under your command are your responsibility. You recognize that protecting them as they move through the oceans of life will be the most important thing you can do as a parent.
It’s true. Parenting requires battlefield strategy.
But this battle is not waged against our kids but against the enemies of the family who seek to sink your family in deep water.
The fleets or families that perform best are those who stay close to each other, ever mindful of the other’s position. The enemy hurls attacks.
“G-4” the enemy challenges.

“Miss!” you reply. And the exchange goes on as you try to navigate dangerous waters that threaten to destroy your kids’ lives. You find yourself wishing for some strategic advice to help you raise spiritual champions. You would like some advice on beating the odds, keeping the hearts of your children safe from the attack of the destroyer. You wonder who to turn to for advice.
Would you like an hour with Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family? Jim leads one of the most prominent ministries for families in our nation.
Or perhaps it would it be helpful to hear from George Barna, leading Christian researcher who has surveyed hundreds of thousands of dads, moms, and kids and studied their responses to help this generation of believers transfer its faith to the next.
Would you like a conversation with Angela Thomas, who ministers to single parents every day through her writing and radio?
Perhaps Renee Swope, leader of Proverbs 31 Women could challenge and inspire your parenting.
Would you like their email addresses to ask them urgent question or their telephone numbers for those times when you need help in winning this war against the enemy who wants to destroy your family? Is this the type of advice you need?
You can get it! These speakers and many others will share the platform at the D6 conference sponsored by Randall House. They will share their knowledge and Christian parenting experience to help us pass a growing, living faith to our children.
They will gather in one place, at one conference—a parenting conference built upon the principles of Deuteronomy 6 where God commanded parents to share their faith and be the primary spiritual leaders of their children.
When they get up in the morning, when they go to school, when they come home and eat dinner, and when the go to bed, they are under our watch care—our “fleet” of protection. How do we prevent the enemy from sinking our children? Go on the offensive. Make plans to attend the D6 Conference.
Visit www.D6family.com to obtain resources you can use right now, and become more involved in the lives of your kids, striking back at the enemy. Join us as we wage war on the family destroyer. Your family is under your protection and your leadership.
What is your next move? How about “D-6?” The enemy will reply with “A hit” as you sink his battleship!
