ordinary men
by Phyllis York
Find out more about Free Will Baptist Master's Men at www.fwbmastersmen.org.
Peter was an ordinary man. He and his brother Andrew worked hard to make a living and to keep the family business going. Hoisting nets loaded with smelly fish in the hot sun was no easy task, but they did it. They provided for their families.
Matthew was another ordinary man—that is, if you can call a tax collector ordinary. He worked for the Roman government and evidently lived comfortably. In fact, if you take a closer look at the other nine men who were called by Christ to follow Him, they were all ordinary men; men who went about their business, living their lives the best they could and following the traditions of their Jewish heritage. That is until Christ entered their lives.
One by one, Christ called each man to follow Him. As they left their work, their families, and their familiar surroundings, their lives began to change. They became students of the Master. As they walked the hills of Judea, the streets of Jerusalem, and the shores of the Sea of Galilee, they listened to the instructions of their Teacher. They were being discipled for the journey that lay ahead. Christ knew what each man would face, and He prepared him for the future.

Tom is also an ordinary man. He works in the construction business. He has major responsibilities to fulfill if the company is to stay afloat. He has a family and is concerned with providing for them. Richard is a policeman, another ordinary man. His job is to protect the citizens of his city. He has a lot of influence with those people so he wants to live the best he can so as not to disappoint any of them.
Like Peter, Andrew, and Matthew, these men also are followers of Christ and need to be taught by the Master. But men today do not have the opportunity to walk the hills of Judea, the streets of Jerusalem, or the shores of Galilee. Neither can they sit at the feet of Jesus as He instructs His followers in the truth of the gospel. However, modern-day disciples have the complete teaching of Christ at their disposal and they too can become students of the Master.
This teaching comes in the form of daily Bible study. The Master’s Men Department can help men develop a love for the Word of God by providing churches with Direction Bible Studies. Thirteen separate studies offer men an opportunity to learn how to be a Blessed Man, or how to Become a Man Who Prays or how to Fortify Their Faith. These studies are designed for use at men’s meetings in the local church. They come with a facilitator’s guide and student handout sheets.
Master’s Men also hosts retreats and rallies to help men get away from their busy schedules and revive their walk with The Master. The retreats are laid back and casual giving men an opportunity to relax and fellowship through food and games. Yet they also provide a time for spiritual renewal. Participants are introduced to speakers who challenge them to become men of impact.
Regional rallies are a little different. Each rally is held in a local church and sponsored by the churches’ chapter of Master’s Men. They are open to other FWB churches in the area, and the services are geared toward both men and women. The purpose of the rally is to encourage men to serve in their local church.
Maybe you can’t walk the hills of Judea or the streets of Jerusalem with Jesus, but you can sit at His feet! Become a student of God’s Word. Join the other men in your local church and learn what it means to be a follower of Christ, and how to serve Him through your local church. Jesus chose ordinary men to spearhead the formation of His church. Today He asks ordinary men to continue this work.
Why not let God use you, an ordinary man?
About the Writer: Phyllis York is secretary of the Master’s Men Department. She lives in Nashville, TN, where her husband Tim pastors CaneRidge Free Will Baptist Church. To learn more about Master’s Men, visit www.fwbmastersmen.org.