March 2013
Stewardship for
a Lifetime

one to one: Lessons about life, ministry, and grandkids
by Keith Burden, Executive Secretary, National Association of Free Will Baptists
Give It All
There is a somewhat obscure but significant story tucked away in 1 Chronicles 21. King David took a census of Israel, and God was not pleased. The prophet Gad was sent to the king and David was told that judgment was coming. Interestingly, Gad told the king he could choose one of three forms of punishment.
Attempting to choose the least severe punishment, David chose three days of a plague in the land. The judgment was apparently worse than David anticipated. Initially, 70,000 in Israel died, and it appeared the entire city of Jerusalem would be destroyed.
The king repented of his sin and begged the Lord to stay His hand. A destroying angel stood by the threshing place of Ornan. David was told to build an altar and to sacrifice right there on the spot. When the king responded by offering to buy the threshing place, Ornan generously offered to give him not only the property but everything needed to make the sacrifice including the oxen, wood, and wheat. His response is classic: “I give it all.”
David refused to accept the generous offer, insisting he wanted to pay the full price. Nevertheless, you can’t help but be impressed by Ornan’s generous spirit. He was willing to give it all.
Fast forward to July 4, 2010.
That Sunday afternoon, a young Free Will Baptist layman was tragically killed in a four-wheeler accident. Understandably, his family, church, and community were shocked and grief-stricken.
A little boy wanted to do something to demonstrate his sympathy and concern for the family. His mother took him to visit the wife of the man who lost his life. Having celebrated his eighth birthday a month earlier, he received several gifts of money. He gathered it up and presented it to the widow…all of it. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, she resisted the impulse to refuse the offer and reluctantly accepted the sincere gift. She promised to use the money to purchase something that would honor her husband’s memory.
When it comes to stewardship, God obviously doesn’t require us to give it all. He graciously allows us to maintain possession and control of up to 90%. And yet, I can’t help but feel God is pleased when He sees us demonstrate the same spirit of generosity that characterized Ornan and that little boy. After all, everything belongs to Him anyhow.
So the next time you have an opportunity to give something away, even if you can’t give it all, at least consider going the extra mile. You may just honor the Lord, be a blessing to others, and make someone proud…like me. I was that little boy’s Papa.
About the Column
One to One is a regular feature of ONE Magazine. Written by Keith Burden, executive secretary of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, the column explores life, ministry...and the joys of grandchildren.