one to one: he touched me
Keith Burden is the executive secretary of the National Association of Free Will Baptists. Email Keith at keith@nafwb.org.
To learn more about the National Association of Free Will Baptists, visit www.nafwb.org. |
From all indications it was another typical Sunday morning worship service. We sang two or three hymns; I welcomed the congregation and led in a pastoral prayer. The ushers received the tithes and offerings. A husband and wife duet shared their rendition of Bill Gaither’s gospel favorite—He Touched Me.
Mid way through the song an elderly man slumped over in the pew and began gasping for breath. The music stopped abruptly and the man’s sister began to cry out for help—“My God! My God! He’s dying.”
Two men from the congregation rushed to the gentleman. They checked to make sure his air-ways were clear, to see if he was breathing and whether he had a pulse. He was in complete cardiac arrest. Gently, but swiftly, they laid the victim on his back in the center aisle of the church and began administering CPR.
Someone summoned an ambulance. I asked the congregation to remain seated and pray. After a series of alternating chest compressions and breaths of air, the eyes of the man began to flutter. To the relief of everyone he regained consciousness and began breathing on his own.
In a matter of minutes a team of paramedics arrived. Shortly thereafter firemen and policemen were on the scene. Once the victim was connected to a heart monitor and an IV was in place, he was transported to a local hospital.
The congregation was visibly shaken. They were in no condition to listen to a sermon. In my judgment a very powerful message had already been delivered! So, I led in prayer and dismissed the service.
Later that afternoon I went to the hospital to visit the patient. He was resting comfortably in the intensive care unit. He admitted he had never trusted Christ as his Savior. I had the privilege of sharing the gospel and helping him pray the sinner’s prayer. In time he was baptized and became a faithful Christian.
The heroic efforts of the two men who saved his life did not go unnoticed. Both received a citation from the mayor and their story was featured in the city newspaper. Eventually, a lifesaving course was offered at the church by qualified instructors. Not surprisingly, most of those who witnessed the dramatic event participated in the training session.
This incident beautifully illustrates the way God intends for His body (the church) to function. He desires that we work together as a team, using our skills and abilities to help others…to save lives. It’s a reminder we should be ready to spring into action when we see an opportunity to serve instead of sitting idly on a pew.
It points to the fact you need not be an ordained minister to make a difference. God is looking for ordinary men and women who are willing to equip themselves for service and get involved. Be prepared. God could use you to “touch” someone for eternity.