December 2019 -January 2020
On Assignment

Officially Official
By Jenny Hall
September 8th, 2019—one of those days I want to relive over and over again. No words
are adequate to describe all the different emotions experienced that day. I was reminded
that God is, always has been, and always will be faithful. Through good and bad times, He was there every step of the way showing His goodness and mercy. I’m so grateful God gave me parents who are running so hard after the Lord they didn’t give up even when it would’ve been so easy to do so. I’m thankful my parents made the decision to follow God’s will no matter what, because out of that decision came so many answered prayers—too many to count. So, here we are. By only the grace of God I am no longer a missionary’s kid, and I no longer attend a missionary church. Good News Free Will Baptist Church is officially official.
As I read these words posted on social media by our oldest daughter Allison, who was also our first convert here, there was no way to hold back the flood of tears. You see, I am not only the wife of a church planter, I am also a church planter’s daughter. My parents, Jim and Jan Summerson, took two churches to self-supporting status in the late ’70s and early ’80s. I remember a little about those days as a home missionary kiddo, but Allison remembers much more than I do.
She remembers long days and seemingly endless nights as we knocked doors in the community, renovated meeting space, discipled converts, and mentored growing leaders. She endured times when she had no friends and later enjoyed God’s blessing of new, beautiful friendships. She remembers times when she prayed every night for God to give her a little brother or sister, and she remembers when
God blessed her with one of each. She prayed for God to provide Good News with a church building, and He did that very thing. Allison’s faith was strengthened over and over. And, in those moments when her parents’ faith wavered, God entrusted her with the important task of encouraging us to continue His calling on our lives.
 Photos: The Hall Family, pictured beside the "Officially Official" Good News FWB Church.
During this journey, we have come to realize that God calls everyone in the family to the field. By everyone, I mean not only the immediate and extended family, but everyone in the Body of Christ. Many of you who supported us prayerfully and financially have a huge part in the success of this church plant. Thank you for sticking with us to the end. Others encouraged us in the faith and always seemed to do so at just the right time. We are so thankful you listened to the quiet prodding of the Holy Spirit. Many times, we knew someone was praying because of the way the Lord worked.
God has blessed us with an amazing group of people who committed themselves to the work God is doing here in York. Please do not stop praying for Good News Church! Every time you see a York™ Peppermint Patty, would you please pray for God to continue pouring out His blessings on the work here in York, Pennsylvania? So many hurting, unsaved, unchurched, and unloving people still need the free gift of salvation by grace through faith that Jesus offers.
Yes! We have reached the milestone of being officially official, but this really is just the beginning of all God has planned for Good News FWB Church!
About the Writer: Jenny Hall and her husband Allen are former North American Ministries church planters. Before their work in York, Allen helped church planter Cliff Donoho start a church in Davenport, Iowa. To learn more about Free Will Baptist church planting efforts, visit www.FWBNAM.com.