November 2011
Shift: A Change of Direction

2012 NYC News & Updates
National Youth Conference |
July 15-18th 2012—Memphis, TN
2012 Competition Study Pack CD
Everything you need to study for Bible competition, except a Bible, is included on this single CD. Find out more at www.randallhouse.com.
“Concerning the collection for the saints...”
(1 Corinthians 16:1-3). Since the early days of Christianity, believers have been instructed to set aside money each week to help support those in need. That is what Buck-A-Week is about—developing the habit of consistent, planned giving to promote missions at home and around the world.
By setting aside a dollar each week, you can make a difference in your world. If every person who attended the National Youth Conference set aside one dollar a week, we could give over $60,000 dollars each year. If the youth in every Free Will Baptist church participated, we could raise over $2 million per year.
What are you doing to reach your world? Be a part of Buck-A-Week. Collection banks and contribution posters are available from Randall House, call 800-877-7030.

2012 Truth & Peace Student Leadership Conference
Do you have what it takes to be a leader? Do you want to find out? Check out the Truth & Peace Leadership Conference. This conference is designed to prepare and strengthen high school students to be the leaders God wants them to be. Registration Deadline: October 31, 2011. Visit http://www.verticalthree.com/truth-and-peace.
NYC Related Downloads:
*Right-Click and “Save as…” to save to your computer
NYC Judging Sheets (xls) – Contains all judging forms **(NOTICE: select tabs at the bottom of the worksheet for EACH FORM – they are all contained within this file) **