October-November 2022
Looking Back...
Looking Forward

Self-Supporting at NorthPoint
By Brad Ransom
I’m a grandpa, and nothing is better! I really don’t know what it is, or why it’s so different than being a parent, but something is special about having grandkids. My wife and I have three great kids of our own, and God has blessed us with ten grands. Unfortunately, we don’t live near them, so the moments we are together are special. I’m proud of my boys, and we were always excited to hear of more grandchildren on the way.
Spiritually speaking, we should expect grandchildren, too. The call to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20) should be obeyed by every Christian through multiple generations. In other words, I should make disciples (so should you), and those disciples should make disciples (spiritual grandchildren), and those disciples should make disciples (spiritual great-grandchildren). The problem is, too many Christians don’t make one disciple, let alone multiple disciples who make other disciples. This should be happening with every believer, in every church, and I’m incredibly proud to say, it’s happening at NorthPoint FWB Church in Depew (Buffalo), New York.
North American Ministries is proud to announce lead planter Brian Williams, his wife Emily, and the rest of their team have led NorthPoint to self-supporting status. On Sunday, June 5, the church officially organized, elected charter members, installed deacons, and set aside a ministerial candidate. To top it off, the church is planting another church 20 minutes from their first location. Talk about making disciples that make disciples—this is it!

Just before the 2020 pandemic, Danny and Dawn Elliott and their family joined the NorthPoint team to learn the area, begin training leaders, and work toward the goal of launching a new church. Several people from the original NorthPoint Church are being trained to go with the Elliott family to West Seneca/Lackawanna, New York, to plant another NorthPoint Church.
Not only has NorthPoint launched the West Seneca church, but since the original church was planted, Timothy and Amanda York have established a church for the Deaf and hearing impaired. This church meets with the original NorthPoint congregation, but plans are being made to expand the ministry and eventually have multiple locations for the Deaf and hearing impaired. Again—disciples making disciples!
North American Ministries would like to offer our congratulations to Brian and Emily for leading this amazing work, for going self-supporting, and for continuing the vision by making disciples that will continue to make disciples in Depew, West Seneca, and among the Deaf community.
Although the Williams are now self-supporting, Timothy and Amanda York and Danny and Dawn Elliott continue to work through North American Ministries and remain on church planting support. We ask for your continued financial support for these families as they carry out the Great Commission in this spiritually needy area of the Northeast. Many more churches are needed throughout New York and the Northeast region. Will you stand with NorthPort as they continue to follow the command to make disciples by prayerfully and financially helping them? For more information about the Yorks or Elliotts visit www.fwbnam.com.
About the Author: Dr. Brad Ransom is director of church planting and chief training officer for North American Ministries. Contact Brad: brad@nafwb.org. |