Supporting Cast: The Vital Role of Laymen
Mission North America Offering
Same Offering, Different Name
By Larry A. Powell
Find out more about Free Will Baptist Home Missions by visiting www.homemisions.net.
EVERY YEAR, THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FREE WILL BAPTISTS sponsors The Together Way Plan. Each national department is assigned a particular month when churches are encouraged to participate in a special offering. At Home Missions, we encourage every person to participate in The Together Way Plan and give a generous offering to each denominational ministry.
The Mission North America Offering (formerly the Benjamin Randall Offering) will be held November 23, 2008. We urge all Free Will Baptist churches to support the work of Home Missions on this day with a generous offering. It is this offering, received once each year, that funds our missionary training and missionary support efforts. The following steps will make this year’s offering a success.

You will receive a promotional package that includes information on the Home Missions Department and current church planting efforts that continue across the nation. We invite you to use all of the materials that are available. Invite a member of our departmental staff or a home missionary of your choice to speak at your church on this special day. Ask your pastor to preach a home missions message that emphasizes the need for a strong foundation in Jerusalem, Judaea, and Samaria, so we may be able to reach the uttermost. We ask you to help us by participating in the 2008 Mission North America Offering.
Ask your missions teams to involve Sunday School classes and various groups in your church involved in fund raising. Set a goal for what your congregation can give. Plan to make November 23, 2008, a big day for missions.
Let us all pray that God will stir the hearts of Free Will Baptists toward our mission efforts in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the islands. Our current target areas are the Mid-Atlantic and Rocky Mountain regions. Pray that church families will invest in the eternal by supporting the efforts of Home Missions North America.
ABOUT THE WRITER: Former pastor and church planter, Rev. Larry A. Powell is the general director of the Home Missions Department.