December 2020- January 2021
Passing the Faith

No Program, No Process—Just Disipleship
By Josh Bennett
In today’s church culture, we often think about discipleship as a program or a process churches can move people through to achieve discipleship. However, discipleship is so much more. It is a journey—a personal journey of becoming more like Christ. My discipleship story began in eighth grade, with a boy named B.J. Singletary. B.J., a dedicated Christian, made it his goal to share the gospel relentlessly with his classmates. I was one of those classmates. Every day, in some way or another, B.J. would share the gospel with my friends and me.
On January 22, 1997, I gave my life to Jesus. B.J. was not there that night, but he had more impact on my decision to follow Christ than any other person in my life. He was also the first person I told about my commitment. It was in those early days as a new believer B.J. taught me the importance of church attendance, how to read the Bible, have a quiet time, and so much more. No program, no process—just one friend showing another how to follow Jesus.
A few years later, I was attending a church in Lakeland, Georgia. The pastor came to me and asked me to attend a leadership conference. I was surprised he would even consider taking a teenager to a John Maxwell conference, but it was another step in my discipleship. Austin, that pastor, began to show me what leadership in the Body of Christ should look like. I will never forget how his actions taught me the most important principle: humility. A servant leader must be defined by humility. No program, no process—just a faithful pastor showing a teenager how to follow Jesus.
A short time later, I met Jeff Goodman. Jeff became a pastor in my hometown, and I visited Homerville Free Will Baptist Church. During our first conversation, I asked Jeff for a Treatise. In full disclosure, I had no idea what that was, or what it was called, but I was looking for a church that matched my belief system. Jeff soon became a friend, a mentor, a pastor, and a youth pastor, all rolled into one. He discipled me in every way.
Over the next 18 years, Jeff taught me the Scriptures, how to follow Jesus even more deeply, how to pastor, how to plant a church, how to love God, and how to love people. Some days, discipleship looked like a Bible study. Other days, it looked like a Sonoran-style hotdog and two friends laughing a lot. No program or process—just one friend pouring his life into another to teach him everything he knew about loving God and loving people.
Sure, I think discipleship programs can be helpful. In fact, our church is currently looking into discipleship groups for our church. However, discipleship is so much more. It’s about relationships. It’s about time. It’s about love. It takes place in churches, Sunday School rooms, cars, living rooms, woods, ball fields, and boats. Discipleship occurs anywhere a believer in Jesus takes the time and energy to pour into another believer. Nothing fancy! No program or process—just effective discipleship.
Who are you discipling today?
About the Writer: Josh Bennett is lead church planter at
Awaken FWB Church in Tifton, Georgia. Learn more: