How YOU can give more to missions...
Next Level Giving
by Norma Jackson Goldman
It is rare to hear someone say, “I’m really happy with my missions giving. I’ve given all I want to give this year.” It is more likely to hear, “I am faithful in tithing, but I would really love to give more. I see so many needs and I want to be a part of what God is doing in our world.”
This reveals the heart of a steward, one who recognizes the need to give as a response to a gracious, giving God. Our Father never requires us to give what we do not have, but He is honored when we work creatively to increase opportunities for using the resources He has given us. Happily, there are countless ways to give to the cause of Christ at home and around the world—as individuals, families, and in partnership with other believers.
Lifestyle of Giving
I’m sure many readers are well past the beginning points of giving—ten percent, (a tithe) of all sources of income, plus offerings above the tithe. Once we establish a beginning point, we stretch and grow in faith as we learn other ways to give, reflecting God’s concerns and His priorities as a lifestyle.
Early goals become insufficient, no longer challenging us. Retirees have an important influence and testimony through giving and have the privilege of setting the pace by their example and commitment.
Simple Ways to Increase Giving
Many retirees increase their missions giving by simply setting aside money weekly or monthly instead of waiting to give during their church’s annual mission offering. Virtually all churches have a missions line in their budgets, allowing them to collect funds for later distribution. If you normally give $400 to the annual international missions offering (a little over a dollar per day), by designating $10.50/week during the year, your annual missions giving would increase to almost $550. Two dollars a day would produce $730—almost double your starting point! Ask God for specific guidance in setting personal and family goals for giving.
Doing More Together
As I was writing this article, a call came from my church to provide white socks needed by a team leaving soon for South Africa. Several people in my Bible study group are out of work, but nearly every one of them had resources to provide at least one pair of socks and thus have a part. Others can do much more, but the point is this: collectively we can always do much more than we can individually. Involving children and grandchildren in giving opportunities is a powerful way to teach them and to establish giving as a natural part of their lifestyles.
Local food pantries, clothing outlets and rescue missions rely heavily on gifts of food, gently used clothing, and volunteers to meet urgent needs. In most cities and towns of America this ministry has become increasingly international in scope.
Going Is Giving
Retirees are in a great position to give by going on short-term mission trips. Others who are not physically able to go often help pay travel expenses of volunteers that can. Bible study classes give new or like-new Bibles and study materials and supplies to be used by volunteers. These gifts are powerful evidences of the love of God to an unbeliever.
Prayer Is Giving
All can participate meaningfully by praying. This begins well before departure, and continues through the time of ministry and beyond so that seeds planted will grow, producing a rich harvest. Prayer brings God’s people into alignment with His plans, purposes, and desire to redeem a lost world. He delights in proving Himself faithful to answer the prayers of His children.
As you evaluate your own giving, how is God leading you? Are you ready to take your missions giving to the next level?
About the Writer: Former magazine editor Norma J. Goldman enjoys a successful freelance career in her retirement. The award-winning writer lives near Nashville, Tennessee. Learn more about retirement options at www.boardofretirement.com.