April-May 2020
The Unfinished Task

news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

World Missions Offering Rescheduled
Antioch, TN—As a result of COVID-19, many pastors, churches, and church members have been affected. During these days, IM, Inc. has determined it most important that churches focus on recovering and gaining continued participation and support from the denomination.
With this in mind, the annual World Missions Offering (WMO) has been rescheduled to August 30. As the April-May issue of ONE Magazine reminds readers, this year's WMO theme is Unfinished! The task of reaching all nations, tribes, and tongues is certainly not yet accomplished, but we will work together towards this goal.
Visit IMInc.org for more updates regarding the WMO and Free Will Baptist missions efforts around the world.
Eagleton Serves in Panama,
Ivory Coast, and Cuba
Antioch, TN—During January and February, Director of Field Partnerships Kenneth Eagleton preached, participated in meetings, taught, and ministered in three countries. Leaving Brazil January 3, he spent a little over a week in Panama. He preached Sunday, January 5, at the Free Will Baptist church in Colón and spoke at the San Vicente church on Wednesday evening. The Panamanian national convention was held January 11-12. Eagleton represented IM during the business session and met with the executive committee to plan how IM can best support the work of the Panamanian churches.
Arriving in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on January 16, he prepared for a trip to Tanda in the interior of the country. The remote area was the site of a week of teaching for the new undergraduate-level Bible and ministry training. After preaching in the Tanda church on Sunday morning, Kenneth met with students who planned to participate in the Bible college program. Two women and ten men completed the intensive course of study (three-hour classes each evening for five days) January 23.

The official opening ceremony for the new Bible college was held at one of the churches in Abidjan on January 25. During that ceremony, leaders announced at least 60 applicants with high school diplomas wanted to better prepare for some form of ministry. Kenneth stated, “When we started planning this, we estimated we might have 30 students. We doubled that number. There was definitely a repressed demand for this level of teaching. There is a thirst to learn and a desire to serve the Lord. This is bound to give our churches in Côte d’Ivoire a boost. Teaching will be done in at least four centers, three of them in the huge city of Abidjan and one up country.”
Following his four weeks of teaching, Eagleton journeyed to Cuba for their FWB national convention, February 28-March 1 on the Pinar del Rio campus of Cedars of Lebanon seminary. Friday evening, the seminary celebrated the graduation of 12 students. Five received B.A. degrees. The other seven graduated with an A.A.
The convention time was filled with youth competition, demographic-based seminars, worship and preaching, and fellowship. The time together concluded with a communion service on March 1.
Eagleton also met with the executive committee to review joint projects between the Cuban denomination and IM, Inc.
Snapshots Around the World
The Hanna Project: Four women formed a THP team to serve in and around Shumen, Bulgaria, December 27 to January 7. They worked with Josh and Lydia Provow, assisting in providing 12 Operation Christmas Child parties (pictured below) in 11 towns and villages.

Panama: A lady in the church
in Colón was baptized Sunday,
January 12.
Côte d’Ivoire: A Christmas Day outreach event in the village of Seidja led to the salvation of three people December 29.
Cuba: IM’s General Director Clint Morgan, NAFWB Exe cutive Secretary Dr. Eddie Moody, Southeastern FWB College Dean Dr. Danny Baer, Pastor Josh Baer, and Pavel Clipa spoke during a pastors’ conference in Cuba January 27-31. Each man spoke multiple times.
France: A JPense event, held February 15, had 130 in attendance. Joel Teague explored the theme, “Who Is Jesus, Really?” Christians had extensive conversations with not-yet-believers afterward.

Côte d’Ivoire: Pastor Jérôme Kambou baptized five people (above) from the mission church in Saye, Sunday, January 12.

Panama: Pastor Cirilo Mendoza baptized two people (above) on Christmas day at the Good News FWB Church in Chitré.