September 2019
Homemade Faith

news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

Cathy Crawford With the Lord
Antioch, TN—Former missionary to France Cathy Crawford joined her Savior May 9, 2019. The 67-year-old valiantly battled cancer for about five years. She transferred to a hospice facility in April so they could better manage her needs.
A native Ohioan, she was appointed to missionary service in April 1982 and served until June 2014. Cathy departed for France in August 1983. Completing language study in the fall of 1985, she initially worked with John and Pansy Murray at the church in Nantes. She wrote and distributed gospel tracts, participated in marketplace ministry, provided counseling, and led Bible studies.
In 1989, Cathy began working with Dennis and Carol Teague in a church-planting effort in St. Sébastien. Personal evangelism, teaching Bible studies, counseling, and youth work were her main contributions to the effort there. Cathy continued in these ministries throughout her time in France, although the locations varied.
IM’s General Director Clint Morgan stated, “Throughout the years I knew Cathy, she was extremely committed to building strong relationships and speaking into the lives of unbelievers. She was known by her colleagues as having a servant's heart. Her legacy will live on in those whose lives were transformed by the messages she so willingly shared.”
The funeral was held Tuesday, May 14, in Sciotoville, Ohio.
IM Announces New Director of Mobilization
Antioch, TN—General Director Clint Morgan announced Danny Gasperson (pictured below), of Asheville, North Carolina, has accepted the position of director of mobilization. As part of his duties, he will also become the administrative director of The Hanna Project. Gasperson began his new role on July 1, 2019.
Morgan noted, “We are excited to have Danny join our home team. His work in missions, church mobilization, and discipleship clearly reveal his passion for missions.”
Gasperson pastored Zephyr Hills FWB Church in Asheville for 19 years. He and his wife Jackie promoted missions awareness and involvement during their tenure. Danny once said, “We thought we were a ‘missions-minded church’ but discovered we were just a church that didn’t mind missions. As we examined our priorities and oriented them to God’s priorities, missions went from being part of the program to the heart of the program. Our people developed personal ownership of missions.”

That heart for missions became evident as the congregation sponsored an annual prayer summit. Missionaries discovered Zephyr Hills attendees truly knew them—their prayer needs, their family members, their particular missionary efforts, and their fields of service. As a result, missionaries love to participate in this local church endeavor. Morgan affirmed, “We’d love to see Danny help churches across the country make a similar journey.”
Though a congregation of fewer than 100 people, Zephyr Hills is consistently one of the top donating churches to the WMO (World Mission Offering) and overall missions support. In 2018, Zephyr Hills gave more than $32,000 to IM, ranking in the top 20 donating churches in the nation. Their $19,200 WMO offering placed them at number four in the country. Gasperson regularly promoted IM and THP at association meetings and other FWB churches. He also encouraged churches in western North Carolina to participate in a Perspectives course, broadening their vision, understanding, and participation in the Great Commission. He has led multiple overseas trips with The Hanna Project, primarily in Central Asia. Many of his church members have participated in mission trips both overseas and in the States.
The 59-year-old was elected to IM’s board at the 2018 National Association of Free Will Baptists. His acceptance of the director of mobilization position will necessitate the election of a new board member at the 2019 convention in Ohio.
Danny graduated with a B.A. from Welch College in 1984. He earned a M.A. from Bob Jones University in 1985. Married for 37 years, he and his wife Jackie have two children, a son-in-law, and two grandsons.
Gasperson informed his church of the new position on Sunday, May 12. “Pray for Zephyr Hills,” Danny asked, “as they make adjustments and seek a new pastor. Jackie and I are eternally grateful to our wonderful Zephyr Hills Church family who faithfully loved, encouraged and supported us for the past 19 years. We, too, desire your prayers as we transition into this new stage of ministry. I am thrilled and honored to join the IM family to learn from and labor with them as we strive to make God's Name famous to the ends of the earth.”