April-May 2019
Priority One:
The Gospel

news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

Year Ends in Black; Deficit Erased
Antioch, TN—IM, Inc. ended the year in the black for a fifth consecutive year. Donors’ generous undesignated gifts allowed IM to erase all deficit missionary accounts for the third straight year.
In 2017, missionary deficits totaled $216,678.30. The 2018 deficit totaled $356,790.74—
a full $140,000 more than the previous year.
“We praise God for all those who accepted the challenge to support missionaries through monthly giving in 2018,” stated General Director Clint Morgan. “However, your missionaries need more regular monthly support. They shouldn’t have to labor under the cloud of worry concerning their mission account finances.”
Deficits were erased using funds from the World Missions Offering, restricted reserves, and monies designated for deficit accounts or where needed most. After deficits were eliminated, $71,860.25 of additional subsidies funneled into missionary accounts.
Eight accounts remain underfunded: Reverend Carlisle Hanna and India Ministries, Jerry and Barbara Gibbs, Nathan and Linda Snow, Donnie and Ruth McDonald, Ken and Judy Bailey, Dennis and Carol Teague, Tyler and Kellie Penn, and Steve and Lori Torrison. Five of these missionary families are currently stateside and seeking increased support. Prayerfully consider supporting one or more of these missionaries with regular monthly support.
Director of Financial Operations Rob Conley stressed, “We are truly grateful for God’s provision through His people. Yet, these praise items come with a challenge. Overall, the general fund ended in the black; but, it decreased by $250,000 in 2018. Fully funding the general fund and missionary accounts is our challenge moving forward.” (Read Rob Conley’s article Great Commission Giving.)
Individuals and groups may donate online or by check to IM, Inc: PO Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37013.
IM Partners With Operation Christmas Child in Bulgaria
Shumen, Bulgaria—Josh and Lydia Provow and a team from a non-profit organization hosted 11 Operation Christmas Child parties in the city of Shumen and surrounding villages. Scheduled in advance with the mayor or other civic leaders, the group gave out over 300 shoeboxes and shared the story of Jesus with more than 400 people.
“While we encountered resistance in some areas and three villages cancelled the parties we had scheduled,” Lydia wrote, “the response to this outreach was overwhelmingly positive. In Muslim and Orthodox villages alike, we heard things like, ’We’ve never had anything like this in our village’; ’No one else has shown any interest in our children’; and ’Will you please come back for Easter?’”

The team offered Bibles or New Testaments to the families of children who received shoebox gifts. In one village, the team took 14 Bibles with them. They invited people to come forward and request a Bible after the party. Exactly 14 people requested Scriptures.
Josh acknowledged, “Now the hard work begins. Please pray with us for the seed to take root. Pray we will hear from those who took Bibles. As we follow up with these communities, pray God will show us the places He has prepared for us to go. We need His wisdom to know where and how to best spend our time and resources.”
Snapshots Around the World
Uruguay: Saturday, January 5, Alexander Machado (pictured below, with his wife Magella and missionaries Jaimie and Tammy Lancaster) was ordained as a deacon in the El Canaan (Santa Teresa) FWB Church. Grandson of Pastor Don Casildo Trindade, Alexander was recommended by the church and worked under the observation of the church and presbytery for a year. Alexander and his wife Magella have one daughter.

Spain: On Friday, January 4, IM missionaries and THP workers in Spain hosted a banquet to honor leaders in each of our churches. The event featured a meal, time for sharing, and a fun photo booth. “We were thrilled to have believers from the churches in Alcalá de Henares, Galapagar, Alpedrete, and even Málaga…all the way down in southern Spain,” enthused Kristi Johnson. “Continue to pray for each of them as they continue to be a light in very dark places.”
Côte d’Ivoire: The Yopougon FWB Church in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, held a camp for Sunday School children and young teens December 27-30. They had 50 campers.

Panama: The Asuero-region churches gathered at Parita FWB Church on Sunday, December 2, for a joint service celebrating the 39th anniversary of the Parita church. Pastor Efrain González also baptized eight people from his church (pictured above).
Panama: The Buenas Nuevas FWB Church of Chitré purchased a church building from a disbanded congregation. Friday, January 25, they held their first activity in the village with 13 adults and 24 children in Bible club.