March 2019

news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

IM Board Holds Year-End Meeting
Antioch, TN—The Board of IM, Inc. met December 5-6, 2018, in Antioch, Tennessee. General Director Clint Morgan reflected, “The December board meeting is over and, once again, I am reminded the National Association has elected an amazing group of people to oversee IM. The diversity of personalities and perspectives provide an amazingly clear view of the issues, opportunities, and options as we discuss matters of importance concerning Free Will Baptist ministries around the world.”
The board heard reports from the leadership team, reviewed financial reports and budgets, considered and acted on proposals, approved handbook changes, and set April 29-May 1 as dates for the annual meeting in 2019.

The board regretfully accepted the resignation of Lázaro and Ariadna Riesgo (pictured above). In a November letter, the Riesgos wrote, “We have much enjoyed and appreciated the opportunities…to meet a growing need for training Hispanics…God has blessed…with ministry opportunities in the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Panama, El Salvador, Peru, Uruguay, and several connections in other countries. IM provided the training, resources, encouragement, and occasion we needed to follow God with full and joyful hearts.” The couple extended a 90-day notice effective November 1, stating they would encourage supporters to continue donations to their account through January 2019. (Read more about the Riesgos’ resignation at www.iminc.org/news)
General Director Clint Morgan stated, “True servants of God rise above the norm no matter where they are nor what the task. Lázaro and Ariadna fit in this group of committed believers.”
The board approved an operational budget of $6.4 million for 2019. Projected self-funded programs carry the total budget to $9.7 million. IMpact projects, The Hanna Project trips and projects, student missions, etc. require fundraising separate from the operational budget.
Board chairman Jeff Manning summarized the two-day meeting, saying, “Sometimes, we use the expression ‘Christmas came early this year.’ Well, when hearing of souls being saved, disciples being made, and churches being planted around the world during our December board meeting, it feels like Christmas came early! I praise the Lord for the work of our missionaries and our partners as they advance God’s Kingdom globally.”
All board members (Jeff Manning, chairman, North Carolina; Jeff Nichols, vice-chairman, Tennessee; Mark Price, secretary, Ohio; Janice Banks, Texas; Danny Gasperson, North Carolina; Will Harmon, Arkansas; Cameron Lane, Arkansas; Robert Posner, Texas; Rodney Yerby, Alabama) participated in the meeting, although Jan Banks attended remotely.
Brazil's Alliance of Free Will Baptist Churches Grows
The Alliance of Free Will Baptist Churches of Brazil met just outside of Conselheiro Lafaiete, Brazil, for a leadership retreat, November 1-3. Twenty-eight leaders participated in all or part of the retreat. The group discussed various ministry-related subjects, heard reports from several of the works, planned mission projects, and prayed for church leaders.

During the business session, four new churches joined the Alliance, bringing the total to 12 churches and mission churches, half of the Free Will Baptist works in Brazil. Participants elected José Assunção as the new executive secretary.
Dr. Kenneth Eagleton, director of field partnerships for IM, noted, “There was a good spirit of unity. The group manifested a strong desire to work together to further the Kingdom. At the end of the three days, many expressed how much encouragement the encounter was to them.”
Snapshots Around the World
Côte d’Ivoire: The week of November 11, at least 139 people were baptized in Côte d’Ivoire, Africa (pictured below). People testified to accepting Jesus as Lord in Bouna, Nassian, the Doropo area, and several other locations.

Brazil: On Sunday, November 25, Pastor Paulo César baptized five people (pictured below) at Nova América FWB Church in Campinas. The same day, Pastor Jeancarlo Achê of the Jaboticabal FWB Church baptized nine individuals.

Japan: Daniel and Shelby Culwell and their sons departed for Tokyo, Japan, November 20. Jack and Ashley Ketteman and their three children followed November 29. Both couples will work with Heath and Joni Hubbard to launch and stabilize the Hope Alive church plant in Tokorozawa City. The Hubbards hosted their first Hope Alive Bible study in their new location November 24. They launched the Hope Alive bilingual church January 13.
Brazil: Brazilian missionaries to the unreached area of Boa Esperança, Alagoas, Brazil, recently rejoiced in the conversion of Mônica. Clóvis and Cristina Leandro are planting a church in this village.
India: Pastor Philip Das, age 65, died in India November 30 after being hospitalized since November 6 following a motorcycle accident. He was responsible for more than 40 churches.

Uruguay: Cuban Pastor Yosvanys, his wife Anita, and their two children (above) arrived in Montevideo, Uruguay, on November 25. The family will work at the Malvin Norte church, which has not had a pastor for over a year.